Chapter 29

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As promised here's the next 4 chapters out. These are all unedited and then it goes to third person for a couple of chapters.

~Time skip a couple of days ~

"Close your eyes again and try again." The Illusionist states.

"I've been going at it for three days! It's just not working!" I cry in tiredness. I've been going at this since I had gotten there. Only sleeping when they let me which isn't often, luckily they keep me fed well.

"It will! You can do this! Try again!" He says as I close my eyes once more for a moment and open them back up and looks right at Kei for a few moments then look away.

Kei stands there shocked. "She did it.. she did it! Sunflowers!"

I fall to my knees tired and gra  an orange and start  to peel and eat it. "It's about damn time." I mumble under my breath.

"Finish that up and let's try it again. You're going to want to practice with it to get it faster." Kei states.

"We need to practice on how to cast a bigger Genjutsu onto multiple people. But first, I want to try something. Since you can return a Genjutsu right back at a person. Your powers are stronger than the Sharin -"

"Am I just a test subject to you?" I interrupt  crossing my arms.

"Well Mayumi, you are different. I want to know more about you. But I don't have enough time. I am willing to help all I can if you will let me. I can only help but so much... so let's start this."

The day and a half I learn to cast a bigger Genjutsu using my Dojutsu. Also learning how to activate and deactivate my Ketsurygan.

"So, your Ketsurygan is only at a level 2. this stage your Ketsuryugan can truly be called a Blood Eye, for now you possess the ability to cast B-Ranked Genjutsu, whether visually or by inserting your blood into the target. You also possess the ability to manipulate Blood and other iron-based liquids, which the clan dubs "Blood Release" or Ketton as a sub-element of Water. With this you are able to create Blood-based techniques which you can manipulate with your eye. It is worth noting however that you must infuse your chakra with the blood to obtain this control. These blood based techniques can both serve a similar function as Suiton to cut or bludgeon depending on the intention of the technique, but if infused with the user's blood can infiltrate any cuts or wounds in the opponent's body for the sake of activating the Dojutsu's genjutsu." The Illusionist states.

"So you're saying that I can use my blood on my opponent's own wounds, and cast a Genjutsu?" I ask as he nods.

The next morning I walk up to the temple seeing The Illusionist, Kei and Aoi standing there.

"Good morning Mayumi, today is going to be your last day of training. And it's going to be a bit... different. I want you to know there are something's.. that will probably disturb you. I have done research last night... well, let's just start this." The Illusionist states walking up to me holding out a bowl of warm red liquid. 

"What the hell is this?!" I shriek.

"Keep an open mind." Aoi says softly.

"Let me see your hand." The Illusionist demand.

"Oh hell no. This is some type of cult voo doo. Whatever this is I refuse." Nah, I think it's time to leave.

"Mayumi, do you know anything about your moms side of the family?" Kumiko says walking up to me.

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