Chapter 36

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I look over the village from the Hokage's monument. It's  still early morning the sun has barely come up. People already in the streets ready for the days fights, people from all around. Bringing my knees to my chest and feel the cool wind blow on my skin. I let out a sigh and jumps down from my grandfather's head and teleports through the wind arriving in front of the Hokage bulding. I jump up to the window already knowing he is at his desk. I knock on the window making him turn around and open it.

"My dear granddaughter. What are you doing out this early?" He asks as he sits back down in his chair.

"I couldn't sleep much lastnight."

"Are you nervious about today?" He asks I nod and look down. "You don't have a thing to worry about. You will do great, I believe in you. Now, go finish preparing for your finals. I'm sure you will be needing a lot of fruit." He smiles at me. "But before you go, I want you to have these." He says handing me a tiny box. "These may help with your fight. They are a special chakra pill that way in case you start running low during your fight just pop one in. But I will tell you, it will keep you going for a while. Like the military ration pills. Just, don't use them unless necessary. That is my only warning." I nod and place them into my weapons pouch.

"Is there a crash after them?" He shakes his head and just looks at me and smiles.

"After the day is over with... I want you to find Kumiko she has something for you. Go raise some hell Mayumi." He states sitting up straighter. I nod and jump out of the window and into the streets gathering extra weapons.

I start walking into to the arena finding my teammates along with the Sand Siblings, Shikamaru, Shino, and my opponent from the Mist, Naruto and Neji, we all stand in front of Genma, but no Sauske.

"Everyone thank you very much for coming to the village Hidden in the Leaves Chunin Exam. We will now begin the 'final round' matches for the twelve who made it through the preliminaries! Please watch until the end!" The Hokage states.

"Lame, they only came here to see Gaara and Sauske." I mutter.

"I have something to tell you before the match." Genma starts off pulling out a paper. "Look at this. There was a slight change in the tournament. Check who you will be facing one more time."

I look over to see Buyuu and a Ryota fighting each other.

"Uhm, Sauske still hasent come. What'll happen?" Naruto asks.

"In case a competitor does not arrive by the start time of his match, he or she will lose by default!" Genma explains. "Listen up you guys. The terrain is different, but the rules is that there are no rules."

I smirk looking over at my teammates. They feel uneasy around me right now shifting their feet.

"The same as the preliminaries. The matches will continue until one of the other dies or acknowledges defeat. However if I judge that it has been done, I'll stop the match there. Arguments will not be allowed." Genma explains more. "So the first match will be Naruto Uzumaki Vs Neji Hyuga. Just those two remain and the rest of you go to the waiting area above." Genma finishes.

I give a quick glance at Naruto and follow everyone to the waiting area.

"Are you ready?" Buyuu asks looking over at me Ryota also looking at me.

"Ready to kick some ass!" I shout smiling as I put my hands on my hip looking over the railing at the arena. Looking over to see Naruto Vs Neji.

"There's no way Naruto is going to win." Buyuu mutters as they watch.

I turn to him. "Naruto was being trained by the legendary Sanin Jiriya. I'm positive he can beat him." I brag about my best friend. One thing about me, I'll always brag about my friends. We stand and watch the fight with Naruto winning, as the crowd cheers.

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