Chapter 2

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"Come on grandfather! Teach me!" Little Mayumi squeals pulling her grandfather along to the back yard.

"I don't want you getting hurt my dear." He says.

"I'm not! I'm going to be strong! I gotta be like all of other ninjas! To help protect the village!" She says jumping up and down. "Mom and dad don't have time to help me, but you can!"

He looks down at his five year old granddaughter and rufflers her hair. "Fine, you were always born to raise hell." He laughs. "Come on, lets try target practice today."

"Awww, but I wanna learn jutsus!" She says crossing her arms pouting. "I never miss my target!"

"Indeed but you need to keep practicing to stay sharp."

"Sharp like my sword?" She looks up at him with her big eyes with a sparkle in them.

He laughs and nods his head. "Yes, just like your sword. Come on. Let's start."

"Grandfather, thank you so much for always believing in me." She says smiling.

"Well, it's my job to always believe in you. You were born to raise hell my little one." He beams her a smile and ruffles her hair.


Memories last forever, whether they are good or bad. They help shape you into who you are today so live everyday like it's your last.

"Grandfather?" Seven year old Mayumi knocks on his door. "Come in." He tells her from the otherside. She enters into the room watching him work, she lets out a sigh, he always works. "Can we go out and train some? Mom and dad are away again."

"Why don't you go with Naruto? Or Kiba?" He questions not looking up.

"Because I want you to train me."

"Fine, lets work on your stealth." He says as he gets up and they go outside to the back yard. He had set it up for Mayumi to practice, she practices everyday majority of the day. Always wanting to get better day by day.

"Alright, take these." He says handing her ten tags. "I want you to try and put as many on me within the next three hours. Don't worry, they arn't real exploding tags." He says jumping back.

During the three hours Mayumi managed to get seven out of the ten tags on her grand father. She watches through the bushes on his next move quietly watching him as he jumps up into a tree above her. She quickly jumps out and follows him up the tree landing on the same branch as him.

"You did it Mayumi." He complements. "You got seven tags on me."

"Eight." She smiles. "You didn't notice when you turned and raised your arm up to grab a hold of that branch."

He raises him arm up and looks at the tag under his armpit. "Wow good work! I think we are done for today."


The tears dry, the laughs fade... but the memories..the memories last forever.

"Grand father." Nine year old Mayumi says laying upside down on the couch with her feet on the wall. "I want to ask a really big question."

He looks over at her from his work lifting an eye brow scanning her face knowing whatever she is about to say is serious. "Can I block memories?"

"My child, why would you want that?" He gasps totally not prepared for that question.

"Because there are somethings... some things that I don't want to remember."

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