Chapter 58

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"Mayumi?" I hear a whisper beside me.

"Hm?" I mumble.

"Wake up." Sota says I peak my eyes open and see it's only us in the room.

"Thank god they all left. Next time you talk about me please make sure I'm actually asleep." I say rolling over.

"I figured you were awake." He says getting up.

"Yeah, I just couldn't move or open my eyes." I yawn. "Did Temari get the guy back to the village?"

"She did. They are waiting for you to heal up before anything else." He throws me my bag. "I don't know about you, but I hate hospitals, we are breaking out of here." He says causing me to laugh.

We sneak out of the hospital and head to the Kage's office. "Don't tell them we just up and left." Sota whispers. "They'll take us back."

Wow, Sota breaking the rules? Never seen this part of Sota-Sensei, but I guess he's like me and escapes hospitals too.

"I didn't expect you two to be released just yet." Kankuro says a little shocked.

"Well, that's what we are used too it." I state. "We rest and jump right back in."

"Riiight..." Kiba says looking at us. I look at Sota and he's looking at me. He knows.

"Anyway, Mayumi, here is the info about him. You have 3 hours with him. Kankuro will be there with you in case they try anything." Gaara says giving me the scroll. Kankuro leads me to the floor.

It's definitely not as nice as ours back in the Leaf village. I don't even see an office. How do they do their paper work? Kankuro eventually leads me to a room with a lock in it. He opens it up and leads me to the guy in a chair chained up.

"Unchain him." I state looking over him.

"I-uh-we- can't." He says shocked.

"Yes, yes you can, he's too safe like that."

"May-Mayumi?" Kankuro says still shocked.

"Kankuro, it's honestly best if you weren't in here with me.  If you can't handle letting those chains loose while I'm in this room then get out." I say turning to Kankuro. "You guys did check him right? Stripped him of his weapons?"

"Uhhh.." Seriously?! This please needs a lot of my help. I walk over to him and take his weapons pouch, and his needles he has hidden. Then I pull out a small vile.

"Open." I demand to him.

"May, what is that?"

"Jesus Kankuro, it's a chakra reducer where he can't use any chakra." I groan. "Now hush and let me do my job."

After almost two hours we finally get our answers for the Sand Village and head out of the room. I look over to Kankuro and he looks really uneasy.

"Something wrong Kankuro?" I question. He quickly throws me some papers and rushes off to find a trash can to throw up in. "Eh, it's not for everyone." I giggle.

I walk back into the office where Sota is standing infront of the council and hand Baki the paper work.

Baki looks over it and smiles big. "This is an amazing report. Detailed and filled perfectly. Ibiki has taught you very well."

"Ibiki-Sensei had nothing to do with it." I state looking over to Sota. "Anyway, are we done here? I'm tired." I state as Kankuro staggers back into the room.

Baki nods and we start to leave to go find something to eat.

"Mayumi." I turn and see Kiba with Temari looking upset. "I knew something was off by the way you were standing earlier. You and Sota-Sensei were never dismissed from the hospital. You two just snuck out. I've known you for 16 years Mayumi."

"We are fine Kiba-"

"Kiba is right." Sota-Sensei states shocking me. "But, he is wrong. We are used to having worse and pushing through. We know when our bodies are tired and need a break. We are perfectly fine Kiba." He explains and walks off.

Now I know Sota, he never says anyone is right. What is going on with him?

"How are you feeling?" Temari asks softly.

"Hungry." I huff and walk off finding somewhere to eat. I find a small ramen stand and sit down and order while I look over to my left and see Kankuro also sitting down a few seats away.

"Great minds think a like eh?" He chuckles.

I look back in-front of me waiting for my food and I feel him beside me.

"You know, there is no one else in this world that I want to spend the rest of my life with other than you. I don't care if you're in another village. I don't care if you're losing yourself, I will help you find yourself and motivate you. I will always be here for you Mayumi."

I take a deep breath and try and not look at him. I know for a fact I'll break and not be strong. I stare at my food as they put it In front of me.

"You don't always have to be strong all the time." He whispers quietly. "Please Mayumi, don't do this. I can't stand not having you in my life."

I crack, I turn to him and quickly press my lips against his. "I'm sorry Kankuro. I don't know what's going on with me lately." I start to tear up. "It's so hard to work on myself when I've lost myself so badly."

He quickly wipes my eyes and kisses my forhead. "It's okay my butterfly. I'll always be here. I'll always hold you when you need to be held."

I quickly give him a kiss again. "Walk me back?" I smile.

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