Chapter 12

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We travel until night fall finding a small inn to sleep at. Sota gets the keys and gives me my key as he shares a room with Buyuu and Ryota. I open my room up I throw my bag down keeping my weights on my back at the foot of the bed and jump onto it. Staring at the ceiling for a little bit I get up and grab my backpack searching for some fruit. I sigh heavily realizing I have none left. I get up and start to walk downstairs. I see Buyuu and Ryota walking to the hot springs... not wearing their weights. You have got to be kidding me.

Anger starts boiling inside of me already. I go to the little snack area and grab some oranges and grapes. I turn to see Sota sitting there at a little bar i sigh again and walk over to him.

"I need more weights. I just saw the two idiots without theirs."

He looks at me for a moment and holds out his hand. I look at him confused. "Give me the last 60 lbs I gave you back at the Sand village."

I obey as I take them off of my wrists and the others from my back and hand them to him.

"Way to look after your team mates." He comments as I start to walk off. I pause for a minute then continue to walk back to my room.

I take off my cloak and swords I carefully takes off the little peaceful butterfly then place it on the nightstand and lay down in bed. I wonder if this really is the test Tsume was talking about. I mean, the guy hates me. But he took my weights off after I told him about Buyuu and Ryota. Looking after my team mates? What?


I groan as I am waken up by a pounding knock on my door. Quickly I gather my swords put my sandals on, and eye cover on then stick my cloak in my bag opening the door up. I sees my team waiting for me the two boys not looking happy with their new weights knowing I told Sota about them and Sota looks annoyed already. "Let's go. We should be at the Country of Silk by noon." He states as he walks off. When we get down the stairs I take advantage of the snack bar again and grab more fruit and shove it in my bag and runnto catch up. Sota in the front, Buyuu and Ryota behind them and me following in the back.

"Why do you eat so much fruit?" Buyuu asks turning around. "And where is that butterfly of yours?"

"Yeah, you act like the fat kid in class." States Ryota.

I shrugs my shoulders. "Choji is not fat, he's big boned. I just like fruit and he will catch up."

"What? Mommy and Daddy never cooked for you? So you have to fend for yourself and the only thing you can make is fruit?" Buyuu teases as both of us stop in our tracks.

Sota and Ryota also stop and turn to the two comrades. Buyuu smirking to himself and I give him a death glare.

"There is plenty of field here to fight." Sota states walking between them.

"Agreed Sensei." I says  throwing a kunai through some bushes, hitting somebody causing them to scream out only to go silent. Buyuu and Ryota gasp as they see four rogue ninjas jump out around them.

"Took you long enough to realize we were here. I guess with only one eye it took you too long." One of them states. I pull out my sword, the point of it on the ground holding it out by the handle. "You've been following us for the past two hours."

Two? I've only detected them for the past hour! Sota thinks to himself.

"You guys are not very stealthy. I sensed you from a mile away asshole."

"Well let's see if your fighting is as good and your senses." The rogues leap to attack Squad zero. I easily finish the ninja I was fighting off turning to see that Buyuu is struggling with his, Sota is almost done with his and Ryota finished his off. I quickly jump to help. "Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Slashing Wind Skill)!" She shouts swinging her sword creating a burst of wind turning into a tornado spinning rapidly at the rogue. Ryota jumps out in front of my tornado and gets hit by it getting cut and pushed back.

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