Chapter 51

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At the last moment I grab onto Kiba flipping us over so I'm on the bottom and focus my chakra through us and let us fall softly onto the ground like a snowflake.  Sadly, I think the only snowflake around here is me.

Kiba and I quickly get up standing in front on the Sound ninja.

"I got you!" Kiba says attacking him from behind. But quickly elbows him away. I pull out my sword. "Grand Slashing Wind!" I shout and swing my sword at him but he dodges it and comes at me so fast I didn't even see him and shatters my sword. Oh shit. I'm in deep shit. That was my first sword. I knew I should have brought a different one.

"Kiba, we gotta do this together!" I shout at him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

No I'm not sure. But I'm not about to tell him that. "Of course, I've seen you and Akamaru train, we've trained together and I've used a summoning. We can take this guy!" I say proudly. Wow, where did this confidence come from?

"Then let's go!"

"Fang over Fang!" We shout together running towards the Sound ninja. Before we know it both Kiba and I are face to face with him holding our wrists tightly. Wait a second there's two of him?! "The hell is going on here?"

"Two against two? Perfect right Sakon?" He says as I get punched and throw across the ground. "Multiple fist barrage!" Kiba gets punched and thrown across the ground too. Crap. We really are in deep shit. He has Kiba pinned against a boulder.

While he's busy with Kiba I quickly run and throw my leg out to kick him but, Ukon grands my leg and flings me away.

"My brother and I get along very well. Usually my older brother sleeps inside of me but when there is a fight, he comes out and helps." Sakon states and I struggle to get back up. "He can stick his arms, legs and head anywhere in my body."

Well... that's.. gross? Creepy? "Just like this!" He says as he punches Kiba in the head, I run up on him again. "Multiple legs barrage!" Kiba gets kicked into me and once again we go flying across the ground.

I look back over at them. "What the hell is that?!" I shriek.

"Let's wrap this up, we're going to phase two!" Ukon states changing colors and turning into a red demon like face. "Oh alright." Sakon says doing the same.

Okay, so we are now currently in deep deep deep shit. 

"How much chakra you got May?" Kiba asks panting.

"Not enough I know that much. I'm still recovering from the chakra usage from that big guy."

"Here, I have this." Kiba says pulling out a military chakra pill.

"If this kills me im coming back to kill you." I state taking it. "So, let's try that new Jutsu of yours." I say standing up.

"We don't have back up, if we fail we will die! Not to mention it drains so much chakra! Besides, you've never done it!"

I look over to Ukon and Sakon. "It's now or never."

I run at them but pass them as Kiba get punched in the stomach. Kiba grabs ahold of them as I come spinning back over to Kiba. "Man beast Transformation combo!"

We both turn into a two headed oversized wolf.

"All of this and all you do is turn into a drooling dog?" Ukon says laughing.

"Take this!" We say and we rapidly spin around them. We managed to get a few cuts onto them. "Wolf fang over fang!" We managed to hit them hard sending them flying. We look over to them and they are now separated but they are growing their limbs back.

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