Chapter 19

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"Why am I not suprised to really see you three here... late." Sota says standing at the door with his arms crossed.

"Be thankful were even here." I mutter.

"You know, you three seem to disappoint me and make me proud at the sametime." Sota says.

"Is that a complement Sota?" I tease he rolls his eyes and opens the door.

We walk into the room where we see the other rookies huddled around a silver haired kid. Everyone looks over at Team 0 as we enter. Mummers are heard from around the room. I start walking to Kiba with my team following me.

"What's going on?" I ask Kiba.

"Just some guy showing off cards of everyone's info." Shikamaru says bored.

"Yeah, it sounds like that Gaara kid is a tough guy." Kiba states.

"Well, it looks like Squad 0 is just as a tough squad." The silver haired kid states looking over at us just standing there with our arms crossed. "Three B-ranks, three C-ranks and two S-ranks."

"Actually two C ranks and three S-ranks." Buyuu corrects him.

"Things changed half way through the mission." Ryota adds shrugging. "A little sticky situation."


"Hush it down Naruto!" I scold wacking him on the back of his head.


"SHUT. UP." I say ending the conversation.

"So you three must be the last of the rookie 12." The silver haired kid says walking up to us. "My name is Kabuto. As I said to the other rookies this is my seventh time taking the exams."

"Wow you must suck that bad." I reply.

"Mayumi." Buyuu says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't Mayumi me. The lack of confidence one has says a lot."

"Well then I must wish you all good luck." He says smiling pushing his glasses up.

"I don't need luck."

Everybody starts whispering and looking at us. I sigh turning to look around. A small flutter in my stomach when I spot Kankuro and quickly look away.

"Come on guys let's not encourage childish games with cards." I say walking between my team mates, they quickly follow me.

I continue to walk pass The sand siblings lightly brushing against Kankuro's arm. He turns and watch my team walk to the front as we start whispering to each other.

"Wasn't that little much?" Ryota asks.

"We don't want anybody to think we are weak Ryota." Buyuu defends me as he looks throughout the room everyone is staring at us. I shift my feet feeling comfortable.

"Not even going to lie, I'd rather be wearing those damn weights while trying to swim up that waterfall." I say softly.

"It will be okay." Ryota says slapping my back hard enough causing me to fall forward, i look up and see a big man with scars across his face looking down at me.

"Listen up! I'm Ibiki Morina, proctor for the first of the Chunin Exam." Ibiki starts off. Ryota and Buyuu help me up standing in front of them.

"Hmph, this is a good opportunity to I'll say this. There will be no battles, competitions and the like without permission of the proctors! And if we do give permission actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted." He states looking behind us where the other rookies are standing next to sound ninja.

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