Chapter 42

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"So, what made you change your mind?" Buyuu asks walking next to me, Sota and Ryota in front.

I shrug my shoulders. "I talked to Lady Tsunade. And we talked about some things."

"So you get to see your lover boy." Ryota says looking back grinning.

"Oh hush Ry." I blush and look away pulling out an orange.

We travel for the next two days and we come up onto the Sand Village gates in the evening sky.

"I can't wait for sleep." Ryota says slowing down.

"Me too." Buyuu grumbles.

"I just want to find that little cafe and get some fruit." I say yawning.

"Let's get to the office first then you three can do whatever." Sota says bored with his hands in his pockets.

We reach the Kazekage office and see The Sand Ninja council and the Sand Siblings. I shift weight in my feet being uncomfortable. Sota turns around to me and the boys and let's us go do whatever we want for a while, Sota being the peace keeper and talking to the council. I quickly retreat outside with Ryota and Buyuu right behind me.

"Come on guys! Let's go get something to eat!" I say turning around to them.

"Why the big rush?" Buyuu asks lifting an eye brow.

"Avoiding someone?" Ryota also questioning me.

"No." I answered quickly and shuffle my feet. "I'm just hungry, so let's go."

I rush them to the little cafe that I like so much and order a bowl of fruit and some ramen. The boys order their food and we sit down, Buyuu and Ryota sitting next to each other and me across from them.

"Why do you like this place so much?" Ryota finally breaks the silence.

I shrug my shoulders and finish my bite of food. "I don't know. It was the first place I visited when I came here."

"Because it's the first time she met me." A new voice jumps in from behind me making me freeze.

"Is that so?" Buyuu smirks and Kankuro sits next to me, I look away of embarrassment.

"Why did you follow me?" I ask not looking at him.

"I didn't. I figured this would be the first place you would come when you got out." He says smiling at me.

"So you are following me." I say glancing at him.

"N-no! Actually, Sota was saying that he will be late tonight from the meeting."

"Oh, we'll that sucks. Do we even have a place to stay?"

"Probably the same place Kakashi and I stayed at." I say looking at Kankuro.

"That place only has two bedrooms." Kankuro replies.

"So? Not the first time we've slept on the floor." Ryota laughs. "Or even slept in the same bed. I always sleep with Sota and he snores so bad."

"I mean, Buyuu is a cuddler , I don't think you'd like that very much." I giggle.

"Maybe I like sleeping away from you." Buyuu comments smirking at Ryota.

"I mean, you guys could always stay with us, we have plenty of room at our place." Kankuro offers nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"That would be-" Buyuu starts off when I cut him off.

"A great offer but we are fine. Thank you though." I say finishing my food slapping the money on the table and getting up and leave as the three boys watch me. I don't think I'm ready for this yet.

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