Chapter 49

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"Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not the same as yours. If we ever cross each other on a certain path... I hope we encourage each other..." before I can finish Sauske appears behind me and knocks me out.

"Hey wake up" Izumo states. "You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here."

I turn and open my eyes slowly seeing Izumo and Kotesu standing above me and Sakura with a pile of books and papers in their arms.

"Sauske no!" Sakura shouts jumping up with tears in her eyes.

"Come on Sakura, go home, I'll talk to Lady Tsunade." I say helping her up.

"Huh?" Sakura hums.

"It wasn't a dream, I was here too, now come on." I say looking over to Izumo and Kotesu and explain everything that happened.

We rush off to Lady Tsunade's office and we walk in.

"Where you sleeping?! You made us get these so you could sleep?!" Kotesu exclaims walking in.

"No, of course not!" She says.

"Anyway Lady Tsunade. We have something to report." Izumo states stepping to the side to see me standing behind them. I explain how we tried to stop Sauske but he left anyway, I leave out the part where he tried to convince me to go with him.

We get Shikamaru in there with them and Lady Tsunade fills him in about Sauske leaving.

"I have decided it's time for you to carry out your first mission as a Chunin." She starts.

"So all we gotta do is bring Sauske back?" Shikamaru says.

"Yes that's your mission. You must do it without delay and you find it more dangerous than you think." She replies.

"Awh yeah! Action time!" I smile.

"Actually, I want you here. Mayumi."

"What! No way! I'm more than qualified for this!"

Tsunade let's out a big sigh and nods her head. "But you know how dangerous this is going to be for you, you have high interest of unwanted people."

"Well if we are doing this I'm going to have request a team exclusively of Jonin and Chunin." Shikamaru states.

"I can't honor that request." Lady Tsunade says.

"Half of them are already out on missions. Even my team is out." I turn to him.

"Go round up any skilled Genin you think are up to the job. You have 30 minutes to leave this village."

I turn to Shikamaru. "You round up everyone you can and meet you at the gates?" He nods and we rush off.

"Kiba!" I shout at him busting through his bedroom door.

"What! What going on?!" He says falling out of bed. I explain to him what's going on as he gets dressed then rush off to Choji's house where we meet up with Shikamaru and Naruto.

"Wait, not them too!" Naruto shouts.

"Shino can't come because he's on some special mission with his dad." Kiba states.

They run off again. "Anyone else?" Kiba asks.

"If we find anybody in our way we will see if they will join us." I answer. "Wait, Neji!" I say stopping and running over to him and Lee and explain again what's going on.

"I see." Neji states.

"Yeah I know it's such a drag but I figured the more guys we have the better." Shikamaru states I rolls my eyes at his comment.

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