Chapter 56

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I groan awake and look over to my left and seeing Ryota naked making me shriek and waking him up.

"Ry! Get up!" I shout panicked.


"Did we? Did we?"

He finally opens his eyes and looks at me then himself. "Shit! Did we sleep together?!"

We look at each other confused and freaking out until we hear a knock on the door and we scramble getting our clothes on and I rush to open it to see and ANBU standing there and my heart sinks.

"Mayumi Sarutobi, you are to report to the Hokage immediately." He states before he flickers away.

I turn to Ryota still wide eyed.

"I won't talk about if you don't talk about it." He says throwing his hands up.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I state rushing back and putting my ninja outfit on. "Just lock up for me!" I shout running out and heading to the office.

I reach Lady Hokage's door and open it and see Ibiki and Sota standing there.

"Uhh, everything okay?" I ask walking in and standing next to Sota- Sensei.

"Mayumi, you, Kiba and Sota are heading out for a mission." Lady Tsunade states.

"Why just us? What about the others?"

"Because you work for me." Ibiki explains. "Ryota and Buyuu have their own tasks and it makes them stay here in the village."

"How long is it going to be? And where are we heading to? And where is Kiba? You said he is coming too." Gotta ask the obvious questions first, detailed ones later.

"It will take a few weeks, and you will be going to a few different places. Kiba is already at the gates waiting." Lady Tsunade states giving me the scroll. I open it and read over it and my heart drops for a moment in time.

"The S-Sand Village?" I say looking at her.

"Yes, I'm sure you are familiar with it. Anyway, you need to leave now if you want to make it there on time. You are dismissed."

I follow Sota out of the office mumbling curses under my breath all the way to the gates where we meet Kiba.

"Ready for our adventure?" Kiba says smiling with his canines showing. I shove him out of my way still cursing. "Are you not happy to be going to see Kankuro?"

"I broke up with him." I state turning to Kiba.

"O-oh, I'm sorry May, I didn't know."

"Yeah, well its whatever..." I sigh out. "Lets get this done and over with as fast as we can."

We travel through the night until we hit the Sand Village gates and drag our feet to the Inn that Kakashi and I first stayed at. One thing, I don't mind sharing a bed with Kiba, I've shared a bed with him many times before. We all fall into bed and fall asleep instantly.


I wake up to my face being licked and push it away. Bad idea, then I yelp when my hand gets bit and sit up in bed. "Akamaru bad!" I scold him and he looks at me happily. Akamaru never bites me which suprised me. "Kiba!" I shout getting out of bed and grabbing his furry companion. "I don't know what lies you've been feeding Akamaru but he does not get the right to bite me!" I say walking into the living room and seeing Kiba, Sota, Temari, and Kankuro.

"It's about time you got up." Sota grumbles.

"You could have woken me up." I grumble back to him while I give Kiba back his pup while I rush back up stairs and change my clothes and come back down to everyone looking at me and I roll my eyes and grab a peach out of the bowl and stand next to Kiba.

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