Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up with a knock on my door. Getting up to answer to find Kakashi standing there. "Time to get moving, We should be at the village in a couple hours time." I nod my head and close door and get dressed. The two of us meet down in the lobby and head to the village.

"Hood." Kakashi says then I quickly put my hood up tucking my hair in and hide my face and pulling out an orange.

"The reason we stopped yesterday is because of the sand storm. It's too dangerous for us to travel during it due to us not being used to the conditions of the storm." Kakashi said as they traveled. "We will stay in the village tonight and head back home early morning."

"How do people find anything in this desert? It's nothing but sand and you can't see anything!" I said waving my arms around accidentally dropping my orange. "Dang it, that was my last one." This sucks.

"If you look closer you can actually see the village." Kakashi points ahead of us. "We are almost there."

I look closer up ahead and see a faint shadow of the village. "Kakashi, I met a girl lastnight in the springs." I pause for a moment.

"Well that's good. You didn't tell her who you where though right?" He asks.

"No, I almost did, but thankfully someone interrupted us and she left." Really wish I could see her again, it would be nice to have friends outside of the village.

We arrive at the front of the village and head to the Kazekage office carefully hiding my face and dropping off the documents. I notice a guy to her right with red hair and a gourd on his back. He seems.. strange. I look back up at Kakashi and we exit the building.

"Here is a key to where we are staying at. I have a few things I need to do. You can go exploring just don't get lost don't take off your cloak or mask and be back before dark." He says handing me the key then disappearing.

So he's just going to leave me alone in an unknown place?

I start walking around looking at all of the shops and i come across a small cafe I hear my belly growl in hunger. Oh, we never stopped to eat this morning. I'm starving.

I walk into the cafe the little bell on the door chimes and order a fruit bowl and a coffee then sit down opening her book then begins reading it.  I don't like reading, but my grandfather always made me read up on things to learn more.

I hear talking coming from around me and slightly looks up. I see what could have been the girl she met last night with her four ponytails.  Man, I wonder if that's the girl from last night?

I hear another voice taking to Temari. This voice was a guys voice. Being loud and obnoxious. I then finish my fruit and starts to leave then someone stops me.

"Hey you! You're not from here are you?" I turn around to look at him, it was that guy Temari was talking to, quickly glancing at him I see a guy slightly taller than me wearing a hat with cat ears and purple make-up, kinda cute. I don't answer him. I'm not a big talker to strangers. "Not going to talk? Really?"

"Do I need to answer your questions?"

"Do I need to answer yours?" His retort makes me smile inside. I loved it when someone would fire a challenge like that.

"Aye, Kankuro leave her alone." Temari said.

"What? I just wanted to know why she was here." He said looking down at her. Her face is so smooth. Why is she covering her one eye? He grabs my arm about to jerk my hood off,I freeze. Just then the door opened letting in a small breeze just enough for me to disappear into the air.

"Hey where did she go?!" Kankuro yells as he looks at his empty hands.

"Hm, looks like she we have a skilled ninja in our town." Temari says grinning.


I appeared on top of a building "Man, that was close." I look down at the village. This is a nice place. Really hot, but it's nice. I wonder if all villages are like this? I jump down and start walking the streets until I  accidentally bumps into someone.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry sir." I apologize looking at him just enough so he can't see my face. He looks at me with a stern look. Making me feel weird and I can feel a sense coming from him. Blood lust? I remember him from earlier in the Kazekage's office.

"Just be careful next time." He mumbles as he walks away.

I walk around some more before heading to the cabin me and Kakashi are staying at. I find a little weapon shop, so I stop and look at the different weapons then looks over to a puppet hanging up. Puppets?

"I see you're eyeing puppets?" A familiar voice said. I look over to see the guy wearing the cat hat from the cafe I once again doesn't answer him.

"You don't talk do you?" I just stare at him. "I take it you have never seen a puppet master then." He says grinning as he takes the puppet hanging up and sets it down and it starts to come alive as it moves around I look at it with big interest. Then he starts to make it dance causing me to giggle.

"Hey! If you're not going to buy then leave it alone!" The shopkeeper yelled.

"You're not stirring up trouble are you?" I turned around to see Kakashi standing there. I shake my head no. "Alright then, I'm sorry Kankuro if my student was bothering you." Kakashi turns to him.

"Oh, so she's with you? I didn't know you where in town. I'm sorry Kakashi-sensei. " Kankuro said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes she is, come on, it's dark." Kakashi said a little more stern. I followed him back to our cabin. I peak back at Kankuro. Why is he just standing there watching me?

She has a really cute giggle. What, am I thinking? Kankuro get your head straight. But if she is his student, why isn't there anyone else with them? He should have two more students...

They get back to the cabin and Kakashi makes some food for us. I take off my eye mask and cloak. Finally a relief, I can see better.

I help set the table and started to eat. "It's actually rather nice here. Kakashi, who was the other guy you were talking to earlier?"

"Yes it is. We will be coming back in a few days. That is Kankuro, one of the fourth Kaze's son's. There is Gaara, Kankuro and then the daughter, Temari."

"Temari? That's the girl I met last night!"

"Oh? Interesting, Are you sure you didn't tell her who you were?" He asks lifting his eyebrow.

"Yes I'm sure."

"Okay, then. In a few days you are going to take your final test. I'm positive that you will pass easily. Are you excited?" He asks changing the subject.

"I've been ready!"

"Well, let me see you do a clone."

I close my eyes and the air stirs a little bit and next to me appears a wind clone.

"Great job!" Kakashi says happily. I yawn and put my chopsticks down. My clone doesn't just poof, the air twirls a bit and disappears. Kakashi staring at the once clone stood. "Not hungry?" He asks.

"I ate at a little cafe earlier. I think I'm going to bed I'm beat." I state as I starts to walk to my room, I turn back to him.

"Kakashi, earlier when I was with that guy I felt something."

"What do you mean?

"I dunno. I've never felt this before. It's like my heart started to beat fast and time slowed down."

"Hm, maybe enjoying the moment? A little bit of happiness?"

"Ha! Happiness? That's funny Kakashi. Goodnight." I turn back to my room and go to bed.

"Night." He knows more about her than he lets her think. The Hokage explained her some to him, knowing she's not easy to get along with. She always puts others first before herself, and never truly happy at least, not that she shows. Maybe she is just good at hiding it? Or maybe she is truly not happy and when she is is just an act?

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