Chapter 14

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I stare at the owl unaware we have made it back to the tree branch where I was sitting on and just stare in awe. "Th-thank you." I finally manage to say as I jump off of the giant brown feathery creature. I gently run my finger through its feathers. It bows it's head then spreads it's wings and takes off into the distance.

Completely speechless I sit back onto my spot and look over to the campsite then over to where Buyuu lays ontop of his tree passed out. I smile to myself and look back up at the stars. "Two more days left of this mission.. and then less than a month for the rest.. And I can't wait to get back home..."


Morning finally came around. I hear rustling coming from the campsite I look over to see Sota stretching. I quickly jump down beside of him not making a noise. He turns and jumps putting his hand on his chest not realizing I was there. He looks around to see everyone else is still sleeping. "When did Buyuu finally make it?"

"About 3 hours after you went to sleep." I say yawning grabbing a pear and start to eat it he sends me a nod hearing more shuffling around the other two boys start waking up.

"I already know about last night." He says holding out his hand for my weights I hand it to him and look at Ryota rolling his eyes.

"Go wake the prince. We will clean and pack up." Sota tells me causing my eye to twitch. I turn and go to his tent and hesitate before I call out to him with no answer. I try again shaking the tent "HEY ASSHOLE WAKE UP!"

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" He screams out unzipping the tent making the boys chuckle.

"Come on, we have to get going." I say crossing my arms glaring at him. He exits the tent and I start to take it apart and pack it up putting it back on my bag and start to head out. A few hours pass and no one really talks until the prince starts to complain.

"Can we take a break yet?"

"No, it's not safe out here right now." Sota replies annoyed.

I yawn and grab a pill from my pouch without even thinking and pop it in my mouth.

"What was that?" Ryota asks walking next to me.

"What was what?" I ask confused.

"The pill you just took. What was it?"

"Energy pill?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"No, I just take random pills." I say flatly.

"I'm pretty sure that was a chakra pill."

"Why does it matter?"

Ryota rolls his eyes knowing he's not going to get through to me. Finally taking a few breaks until night fall. Sota finds a spot where we can camp out at. I yawn throwing my bag and taking off my swords and throw those onto the ground also then looking over to Sota already knowing I'm going to be the one to put up the tents. So I start setting up one tent, after I am done with that one I go over and grab the other two tents and start to set them up as I look over I see Buyuu and Ryota arguing again. This is like the fourth time today they have argued.

I finish setting up the tents then walks over to the two boys. "Food? Water? Fire? Anybody?" I ask with my hands on my hips.

"Sota hasn't told us to go get it yet." Buyuu huffs glaring at Ryota.

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