Chapter 11

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I finish my push-ups right before  so I finished packing up. I quickly take down my tent and grab my bag thanking the lord that I didn't unpack any of my stuff. We travel for a few hours into they hit the sand. I quickly put on my cloak pulling my hood over my head and hide my hair.

"What's with the cloak blondie?" Ryota asks.

"The desert wind can get rough. Where as our skin isn't used to it it can burn. And don't call me blondie."

"Smart. Wish I could have thought about that." Buyuu comments.

Sota huffs. "Pathetic."

"Must be looking in the reflection of my eyes. Because you're the only pathetic one I see here."

He stops and spins around. "What did you say?" Steam rolling from his ears.

"Do you need hearing aids?"

Sota stops in his tracks. "If you say another word. So help me, I'm going to make your life so miserable you wish you were still back at the academy."

"Another word." I say challenging him.

"THAT'S IT!" Sota shouts pulling out a summoning scroll and summons a bunch of weights. He throws them at them me and Buyuu catching our weights and Ryota falling backward from his. "You three will carry these weights for the next two days. you cannot take them off. If you take them off I will add more to it. Clear?"

"Crystal." I mutter strapping the weights around my ankles and adding the rest to my backpack.

"You get an extra you little shit. Since you've only been up to 90 lbs, you are now up to 120 lbs on each weight. You other two are starting at 40 lbs on each weight."

"Why us? We didn't do anything!" Buyuu complains putting the weights on.

"From here on out. If one team member doesn't listen the rest of you little shits get punished too." Sota says taking off again.

"That's not fair!" Ryota shouts struggling walking with his weights.

"Life isn't fair pretty-boy." I state patting his cheek then taking off after Sota.

Squad 0 finally enters the Sand Village I pull my hood up further carefully not to harm the little blue butterfly underneath secretly hoping a certain puppeteer isn't walking about.

"We will stock up on supplies. Be back here in an hour." The Jonin says walking off.

I start heading to the little cafe I had visited when I first came there.

"Where are you going?" Ryota shouts, I just point my finger in the direction I am going and keep walking. Buyuu and Ryota look at each other and shrug their shoulders and start walking around the village to find the weapons store.

The little bell on the door rings as I enters the cafe I continue to walk up to the counter and order a fruit bowl to-go. After I get my fruit I wonder out into the streets and head to the weapons store. I notice the sword I was looking at prior and pick it up looking around me making sure nobody is close and swings it around a few times trying to get a good feel on how well I can use it. Perfect!

"I didn't think you knew how to use a sword. But I see you already know how too." I knew the voice from anywhere.

"Well, I can't tell you all of my secrets can I?" I ask examining the sword once more. "How much?"

"250." She shopkeeper replies. "I hope you use it well. Its make of the best iron around with a bone handle."

"It's beautiful." I say handing the shopkeeper the money. "Holster?"

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