Chapter 52

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Storms don't last forever. At least, that's what I've heard. I've always been the storm. When the storm does come.. I push everyone close to me away. It's not because of anything they've done or said. But because I don't want them to see me.. broken.. Grandfather always said "When you come out the storm you don't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is about." But.. the problem is, I am the storm...

"She's still not talking." Ryota states as Buyuu, Kankuro and Sota walk into my hospital room. I hate hospitals. I hate so much white. I hate this. I wish they would just leave.

"Has she even moved?" Buyuu questions. Ryota shakes his head no. I wish they would leave. I wish they would shut up.

I'm laying on my side facing the window. Wishing it was open. But I don't want to move. I don't want to do anything. I'm not sure what hurts more.. my chest, my pride, my failed mission, or close to death for my own squad mates. As they say, the pain of yesterday is the strength of today. Yeah no screw that. Pain is all the time for me it seems.

"When is she able to get out of here?" Kankuro asks.

"Probably about a week. Is what the nurse said." Ryota states as I keep looking at the window. Oh, wait it's unlocked!

"Well she needs to get up and talk to Lady Tsunade." Sota states. I can feel his eyes on me. Shut up asshole. "You can stop cursing at me too." Whatever asshole, and the guys give him a look.

"Has Shikamaru been in here yet? He's talked to her right?" Buyuu asks next.

I hear Kankuro walking up to my bed and sitting on it. "I've talked to lady Tsunade and so has Kiba. But where Mayumi was also a leader for her squad Lady Fifth has to talk to her."

I don't have to talk to anybody. But since that window is unlocked, if I can just.. get enough air flow through to it and push it open...

Sota quickly rushes over locking the window as soon as I was about to move. "Yeah. I know you better than that." Sota says cross his arms standing in front of me. I just stare hard at him. Screw you.

"What was that about?" Kankuro asks as he rubs my back, I know he felt me move the slightest.

"She can travel through wind. Like Gaara does his sand." Sota explains. "She realized the window is unlocked, and luckily I know she can use the wind even from our breathing and move it with enough force to open the window and then make an escape."

Asshole. Almost got out of here. All of a sudden I hear more footsteps coming into my room and I stiffen. I know who's footsteps those are.

"Everybody out." Tsunade demands as everyone leaves and I can hear them standing in the hallway. Nosey assholes. "Mayumi, get up."

I stay still looking out the window when I feel cold. Why do I feel cold? I look down and she yanked my blankets off of me.

"Get up."

I look back outside. And then she's standing in front of my view of the window. Ah here we go.. Just leave me alone! I was watching two bees fly around a flower.

"You failed your mission." She says as I close my eyes. "Most of your team ended up in the hospital, they are already released! But you are not. You have not given me your statement. You still have paper work to fill out. You almost released your seal, you died Mayumi!" shes screaming and I know for a fact everyone can hear her.

"H-how are they?" I say with a dry voice.

"You jumped in front of an attack! You died from that attack and you are lucky enough I was able to bring you back!"

"I was saving my team mate!" I jump up and wince as I shout. "I was doing my job as a leader! I was working with what I had!" I feel pain in my chest. And not from my stab wound I can feel hot tears start streaming down my face. I can feel the wind around me start to blow our hair around. I can feel so much chakra around me still.

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