Chapter 35

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Me and Asuma search the village for Sota when i finally find him talking to Kumiko.

"Oh, Mayumi there you are." Kumiko smiles at me and Asuma.

"Kumiko was telling me about your training the past month." Sota says looking down at me. "I would like to see you train some."

"Can we talk first?"

"No." He bluntly states as he starts walking to the training grounds.

I turn to Kumiko as she whispers. "Give him time, maybe after the exam would be better."  We follow Sota to the training grounds where Buyuu and Ryota are also training, Naruto and Kiba are training, along with other ninjas are either training or sitting around watching. I turn and notice the Sand Siblings sitting in a tree talking and watching.

"Do we have to here?" I ask as I walk up to Sota, seeing the Sand Siblings in a tree near by watching.

"Why not?" Sota says pulling out a kunai twirling it around on his finger.

"There is a lot of people here." I whisper.

"There is going to be a lot more people at the finals. Get used to it." He states as he shoves the kunai into my shoulder as I give a quick scream everyone turns all eyes on Sota, Kumiko and of course me.

"Sota!" Kumiko shouts then I poof away. "A clone?"

"That's right." I say behind Sota, he turns to me as I'm  smiling.

"Me and Kumiko against you?" Sota raises an eyebrow.

"Just like old times Sota?" Kumiko smiles pulling out some ninja stars and he nods with a smile so quick it disappears. "Just letting you know Sota, if this goes...up, don't intervene."

"Let's see what you got Mayumi." Sota says jumping up high into a tree with Kumiko beside him.

I stay in my spot watching the two as they throw their weapons at me.

"May! watch out!" Naruto shouts next to Kiba and Ryota and Buyuu run next to him.

I smile as the weapons get closer to me, before it was too late I quickly pull out my sword and deflects their attack.

"She's gotten a a lot faster Kumiko." Sota comments, Kumiko nods and smiles.

"Just wait teamy." Kumiko laughs.

Sota forms a few hand signs and shouts. "Deido Tama (Mud Ball)!" He spits out mud balls around me which I flip back and dodge them.

Shouting as Im  Channeling my chakra to my sword. "Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Slashing Wind Skill)!" Creating a fierce wind toward the two Jonin.

Kumiko bites her thumb. and smearing blood onto her arm. "Summoning Jutsu!" She shouts. Fifi appears into the sky, Kumiko quickly jumps off the branch and onto the black Phoenix's back. She starts forming hands signs sending a fire wave down at me. I wave my hands up making two tornadoes to reflect my opponents attack back at her.

"Aw, come on Mayumi. Attack!" Kumiko taunts easily dodging the attack. I quickly jump up onto a tree branch  sensing Sota behind me as I quickly dodges his punches. I jump away standing in front of Sota in a defense stance. He goes to move but is frozen in place.

"What?!" He says wide eyed and looks over to his arm and sees Arul attached to him. He looks back over to me and I poof and Arul flutters around where I was standing.

"What the heck!" Naruto shouts.

He then feels a kunai at his throat and realizes that I used clones and swapped with Arul.

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