Chapter 16

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Over half way through the month we complete six out of our eight missions. We are still at each others throats. Tired of fighting each other day in and day out then going out and fighting enemies. We all become tired. We set up camp on the way to our seventh mission. I set up the tents, while Buyuu and Ryota go and find supplies and water for the night. As we sit around the fire after eating Sota stands up and heads to his tent. This time it was my turn to look out. Looking out over the lake the placed camp I watch the ripples in the water move. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Everything okay Mayumi?" Ryota finally breaking the silence.

"I'm just so ready to be home.."

"Samehere. I can't wait to have my moms homecooked meals." Buyuu says looking over at them.

"Yeah, samehere fish gets old after a while. I'm ready for my mom to make of her beef!" Ryota says smiling.

"I guess your parents have a private chef to cook for you Mayumi?" Buyuu teases.

I look down at my lap and then I bring my knees up to my chest. "Yeah, sure.. whatever.." I say looking back over at the lake, a stray tear falling down my cheek.

"What's wrong? Miss them that much?" Buyuu teases again. I shoot him a death glare.

"Making assumptions without all the facts is not a sign of intelligence." I snap standing up. "I can't believe you two are so freaking clueless! I think it's time to finally break this to you two." I say with my hands on my hips. "Because I can't keep going like this any longer!"

"What are you talking about?" Ryota says standing up.

"These missions are not just missions. He is seeing how we do as a team. He has been putting us up against each other this entire time!"

"What makes you think that?" Buyuu questions getting up.

"I figured it out when I caught you two sneaking to the hot springs without your weights, when I went to Sota and confronted him about it he took some weights off of me."

"So what you're saying we've been enduring all of this for nothing?" Ryota says I nod my head.

"Alright, I think it's time to talk and get to know each other. For real this time." Buyuu says sitting down.

"So what? Ask questions to each other?" Ryota asks.

"Pretty much." I say. "You really are clueless about a lot arn't you?"

"Am not!"

"Are too." I giggle.

"Was that a giggle?" Buyuu asks stunned.

I blush and change the subject. "so, We've seen each other fight and we always get in the way of each other. How to we change that?"

"Well, you're better and long distance where as we are better at close range attacks." Ryota explains. "Maybe if you hold back more with your distance as we handle with the closer range it would work better."

"I agree." Buyuu speaks up. "Besides, with Arul, that's about as close are you can really get to someone."

"Yeah, pretty much.." I mumble. "I suck really bad at Taijutsu. No matter how much Kiba tries to help."

"So why do you eat so much fruit?" Ryota questions.

"Oh, it helps to replenish my chakra. My chakra constantly goes to my seal."

"Well that's makes sense, so I guess that pill I saw you take was a chakra pill." Ryota states.

I face palm. "No idiot. It was an energy pill! Training then staying up all night I needed a little boost."

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