Chapter 45

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"Mayumi! Come on!" Buyuu shouts from the other side of my door. I jump up and get dressed and open the door. We've been here for two weeks, and I'm so ready go go back home.

"Morning!" I grin at them.

"You are too chipper to be awake this morning." Sota groans walking down the steps. "We are heading to a small town where we need to deliver some papers."

"I have a bad feeling..." I say crossing my arms following him.

"You always have a bad feeling." Ryota states.

"That sounds my mind of mission." Kankuro laughs putting his sandals on.

"Good, because you're going with them." Gaara says from the top of the stairs. "You know the area better than they do."

"This isn't even a C-Rank mission!" I complain as we walk out of the house.

Sota stops and turns to me. "This is your fifth mission here."

"It's our first D- Rank mission." I spat at him. "Yesterday we had a stupid C-Rank! We're going down on missions!"

"This is exactly why I agreed to it!" Sota raises his voice. "You three have never done 'the dirty work' for the village! All you three have ever done is be in combat. It's time you start helping with all missions. And you Mayumi, you are on a dangerous watch list. I'm sure if anybody wants you bad enough, they will do anything to get you. I don't think you understand the dangers out there. Yes you are strong and skilled but nothing compared to what's out there. You've been lucky, you've had people there to help you, please Mayumi, let's just get this done and over with."

I let out a big sigh. "Lead the way." I gesture. "But I still have a bad feeling about this." I had it when I get these feelings, and it seems to be a lot more lately.

We travel for a couple of hours until we come to a small little town.

"What kind of place is this?" Ryota asks.

"It's like some kind of creepy wild party town." I say walking closer to the boys as I watch guys all over girls half drunk.

"It's basically a party town." Kankuro states. "We go over to that building over there." He says pointing over to the left. I look to where he's pointing feeling a strange but familiar chakra around me,  I stop and look around in the crowd of people.

My team mates not noticing I went off, I spot two familiar cloaks and follow them to a small Inn. I already know who they are, now I'm on high alert. Channeling my chakra through my hands I feel around the air for their movements when they stop. Then I feel a very familiar chakra of my best friend and I gasp and busts through his window and jump in front of him.

"Stay away from him!" I seethe at the two Akatsuki members getting into a fighting stance.

"This annoying girl again?" Itachi mutters.

"Looks like we got two for the price of one." Kiseme grins at me.

"May, what in earth is going on here?! Why are you here?!" Naruto shouts.

Team 0 and Kankuro get to the office to drop off some papers Buyuu looks around and notices I'm missing.

"Uhh, guys, where is Mayumi?" He asks.

"Oh great, how did we lose her?" Ryota questions.

"We must have lost her in the crowd." Kankuro suggests.

Sota let's out a sigh. "Let's go find her."

They go out into the little town searching for me until Ryota collides with Sauske.

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