Chapter 46

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SMUT WARNING AHEAD! I know there is some people uncomfortable with it. So, as Ron Weasley once said. "Why can't we follow the butterflies?"

I jump on top of the rooftops of of Sunahakure, on the way to the training grounds where Kankuro showed me. I let the wind help me step lightly as I glide around. Finally coming up to the familiar training grounds from the day before throwing my bag at the bottom of the stone pillar and jump on top of the highest stone pillar and sit.

I look out over the training grounds taking a deep breath. I grab the envelopes from my mom and grandfather, I hold them out looking at them until I sense a familiar presence near and quickly shove them back inside my weapons pouch.

"What do you want, Kankuro?" I state without looking at him as he jumps to the stone pillar closest to me.

"Nothing. Just air." He says shrugging his shoulders looking at me.

"I want to go home.." I say softly.

"Well.. I can escort you guys in the morning if you want." He offers.

"But then.. that would mean leaving you." I say through clouded eyes. He jumps over to my stone pillar and pulls me into his lap.

"It will be okay." He whispers. "Come on, let's get back and I'll talk to the council in the morning." He helps me up grabbing my bag when we jump down and head back home.

We see everyone is already in bed so I quietly walk over to Kankuro's room to take a shower. I open his door and see him laying on his bed.

"I need a shower." I whisper, he smiles and I walk in the bathroom quickly taking a shower as soon as I come out I see him shirtless and in sweatpants now.


I sit down next to him feeling his warm body against my own and I look up at him and straddle his lap.

"What are you doing?" He whispers moving a piece of hair out of my face and dragging his hand down my arm, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I don't know." I whisper before I kiss him hard on the lips. He quickly kisses me back just as rough making me let out a small moan, he smirks into the kiss and trails his tongue along the bottom of my lip asking for entrance, which I quickly grant. Our tongues dance together making the both of us moan tasting each other.

I grind my hips onto his hardening erection and he grabs my waist making me stop.

"Mayumi, we shouldn't-" He says pulling back.

"We shouldn't but we can." I pant rolling my hips making him groan.

"Mayumi." He says as I start to trail kisses down his neck, it seems hes having a lot more will power than I am right now. "Mayumi." He moans when I kiss the soft spot on his neck and he quickly flips us so I'm on my back and he's on top of me kissing more passionatly. He starts kissing down my neck making me gasp and moan.

His fingers lift up the bottom of my shirt and I can feel the burning warmth of his skin on my stomach. He trails kisses back up to my ear and whispers. "Are you sure?" I nod quickly and he pulls my shirt over my head in one swift motion, good thing I didn't wear a bra.

He goes back to my neck and I know forsure that theres going to be marks by morning and each hand grabs a breast rubbing them making me moan louder. He smirks kissing his way down and takes a nipple in his mouth making me gasp and he takes a hand and covers my mouth trying to make me quiet.

Kankuro then takes one of his fingers and trails it against my lips and sticks it into my mouth. I lick and suck his finger while his other hand slides down the waist band of my shorts making my hips buck trying to find some kind of friction.

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