Chapter 24

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All of the remaining canidates stand in front of the Hokage and our sensei's. I'm just barely standing and legs weak I look around to see all the remaining  people still there.

"21 canidates still remain." I say behind Ryota, Buyuu right behind me.  Kiba to my front left. I look over and see Kankuro to my right.

"I'm suprised as you are." Buyuu says from behind me.

"I'm so ready to be done with this." I mumble swaying back and forth. "But it looks like all of us rookies are here." I say smirking.

"Now then, we will now explain the the third exam. From Master Hokage." Anko starts out. "Listen carefully!"

The Hokage steps up. "Before the explanation of the third exam that we will start from now, I have just one thing I want to tell everyone flat out. About the true purpose of these exams. Why do allied nation conduct the exams on a conjoint basis? Raising the lvevel of the Shinobi and friendship among allied nations. It won't do to have the wrong idea of the true meaning of that statement. These exam are so to speak.. A microcosm of battle between allied nations."

"What does that mean?" Tenten asks.

"If we look back on history, the allied nation of today were once neighboring nations that continued to vie with power each other and battle for power. In order to avoid a futile crushing of each others' military strength, those nations mutually selected a place to battle. And that was how to Chunin Exams originally began."

"Why do we have to do such a thing?" Naruto shouts. "We're not doing this to select Chunins?!"

"There is no question that these exams are to select Shinobi worthy of becoming Chunin. But on the other hand these exams also provide a venue for Shinobi who carry their nations pride on their backs to fight for their lives! Many feudal lord and those of prominence from many nations who request Shinobi for work are invited to this third exam as guests. And, the feudal lords and Head Ninja of each village of the nations will watch your battles. If the gao in national power becomes unbridgeable,  the strong nations are inundated with job requests."

"Maybe if we impress them enough we can leave the village again." Ryota mumbles causing me to giggle. One thing I have learned about myself, I LOVE leaving the village. I love my home, but my heart calls to be free.

"The requests of nations deemed weak, on the other hand, decline. And there withal, we can expert pressure upon each neighboring nation... That is to say, just how much military strength our Village is developing and has."

"Even so, why is it necessary for us to fight for our lives?!" Kiba shouts. Really Kiba? Isn't that the point of being a Shinobi?

"The nation's strength is the Village's strength, The villages strength is the Shinobi's strength. And the true strength of the Shinobi is created only in a fight for one's life." I explain as my grandfather nodding to me carefully looking over me. He can totally tell that I am struggling right now.

"This exam is a place to see the strength of home country Shinobi, and a place to display this as well. It is because it's an exam where you truly fight for you life that this has meaning. It's the very reason that you fought in this exam, a dream worth striving for."

"Just tell us the fight for life test." Gaara says. Yeah seriously, I agree.

"Very well. Now then this is where I'd like to explain the third exam. But actually..."

"Master Hokage, please allow me, Hayate Gekko, who was given the task of judge, to speak first." Hayate says bowing in front the the Hokage.

"I'll leave it to you..." He says stepping back. Hayate steps where he was standing and faces the final candidates.

"Before the third exam.. And that is a preliminary to the third exam, with participation in the main battle on the line." Hayate says.

"Preliminary?!" I shout. "What the hell do you mean preliminary?!"

"This time around, perhaps because the first and second exams were easy, there are a few too many people left you see. In accordance with the rules of the Chunin Exams, a preliminary will be held in order to reduce the number advancing. As Lord Hokage said before, many guests will be coming to the third exam. So we can't have long pointless matches and our time is limited as well. Therefore, those of you not in top physical condition... Those of you who wish to drop out, please speak now. The preliminary will begin immediately, so.."

"Immediately,  you say?!" Kiba shouts.

"You two better not back out now." I mutter.

"But we barely made it through the second exam." Ino complains. Ino, respectfully shut-up.

"This is such a drag.." Shikamaru says.

"Mayumi, you're not really going to to through with this are you?" Kiba says turning around.

"Of course I am idiot. I'm not going to give up at easily!"

"Something up your sleeve?" Ryota asks.

"Of course..." I say smiling at him. I do?

"Oh, I forgot to mention this, but it will be individual battles from now on." Hayate explains further.

I freeze and glance at my team mates. "So no help huh.."

"It's your decision, so feel free to raise your hands and drop out."

"Well who is dumb enough to quit?!" I ask then look over to Kabuto raising his hand. "What a surprise..."

"Kabuto?!" Naruto shouts.

"Excuse me... I'll quit." Kabuto says.

"Kabuto from the leaf village? Very well, please step back." Hayate says through coughing.

"Why are you quitting?!" Naruto shouts.

"I'm sorry Naruto... But my body is worn about. Actually before the first exam...when I wrangled with the guys from the Sound Village, I've had no hearing at all in my left ear. To fight right away...and to be told that my life would also be on the line, I can't go on."

"Should've stopped playing with cards.." I smirk as he walks between me and Kankuro then he  pauses and turns to me.

"I wish you good luck, Mayumi Sarutobi." He says smiling at me.

"I don't need luck. But you may need a hearing aid now." I mock.

"What's that?" He asks then walks off a growl coming from inside of me.

Hayate coughs bringing the attention back onto him. "Now then, there are no others who will quit? We will begin the preliminaries. The preliminaries to come will be one-on-one individual battles. On other words,, actual battle format. There are now,  exactly twenty people, so we will conduct ten battles. The winner will be able to advanced to the third exam. There are no rules at all."

"Good, because I don't like rules." I smirk, Ryota nudges me causing me to almost fall. Hey man, that's not cool.

"You shouldn't be doing this." Buyuu states.

"Like I said, I have a plan."

"You will fight until someone dies, collapses...or admits defeat. And please admit defeat right away if you don't want to die. However in case I judge that a match is over... err... I don't want to needlessly increase dead bodies, so I will intervene and stop the match or something to that effect. What holds the key to your destinies is...." He turns to a screen on the wall. "This. The names of two foes will be randomly selected and displayed on the electronic signboard. Now then, lets get right down to it and announces the two names for the first battle."

'Ryota VS Yoroi Akado'

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