Chapter 13

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The two boys fall back beside of me. "Prince charming wants you to walk with him." Buyuu says smiling I sigh and pick up my pace and walk next to the prince.

"Well, I see that they didn't have to do much convincing for you to walk with me." He says smiling.

"It's my job to help the client and keep them safe." I mutter reading and taking a bite of my apple.

"Well, if you were mine, you wouldn't have to lift a finger and always be safe."

"I don't have to do that now."

"Did you hear my other question earlier?"

"Yes, I simply ignored it. Like I said, it's none of your business." I say throwing my apple through the trees sending a bit of wind with it until it hits a tree and it smashes against it. He comes closer to me as his hands grazes mine. I shoot him a warning look and he backs off.

"Defensive much?"

"I don't like being touched."

"You might would if I did."

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are taking to your protector like that?" I say slamming my book closed.

"Problem Mayumi?" Sota asks looking behind him.

"Not yet." I say flatly crossing my arms.

We travel until night fall and coming into a small clearing with trees all around.

"This is a good place to set up camp." Sota says throwing his bag down. "Ryota, Buyuu go find some food and firewood. Mayumi help set up these tents." You all have 15 minutes to finish these tasks now go." I nod and start setting up the tents.

"So there are three tents but five of us. I guess I get to share a tent with you." The prince says walking up to me. I can't wait to get away from this guy.

"Actually,it's your lucky night, I get to look out while you sleep." I say giving him a fake smile finishing up the tents.

"Well, if you ever get lonely-"

"Trust me, I won't get lonely." I say slapping his back a little harder than I ment to making him almost fall then start walking over to Sota.

"They arn't back yet?" I ask.

"Nope." He says looking at three trees.

"What's wrong with the trees?"


"With trees?"

"You'll just have to wait until they get back." I nod at him and go to sit down put my chin on my hand and wait.

"Want some company?" The prince asked sitting next to me.

"No." I state scooting away.

"Awh, what's wrong?" He moves in closer to my ear.

"You." I say looking straight ahead waiting for the boys to come back. Does this guy not understand?

"Well since you have no family we can always make one." He whispers touching my leg. "Don't you want me?"

I jump up. "No! No I don't want you, no I don't want anything about you, you pervert! Leave. Me. Alone!" I spat walking away.

"What did we miss?" Buyuu asks walking up confused with Ryota behind him.

"Whatever it was shame we missed it." Ryota mumbles dropping the fire wood.

"You two are 10 minutes late." Sota scolds holding out weights. I walk up and grab mine and quickly put them on. The boys drag their selves over to him and puts them on also.

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