Chapter 48

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It had been a few days since Kankuro and Temari left the leaf village, I have has been walking around the village trying to find someone to train with because Ryota and Buyuu are sick and Sota has been called out with a few other Jonin for a mission.

"Naruto! Lee!" I shout running up to them.

"Mayumi! Naruto!" Someone else calls out to us we turn to see Udon and Moegi. "It's Konohamaru! He's barricaded himself!"

"What do you mean? Where is he?" I ask.

The two kids lead us to the door where Konohamaru blocked himself in.

"That's enough now! We don't want to have to break it in." Izumo states.

"Go ahead and try it! I'm the grandson of the Third Hokage!" Konohamaru shouts.

Kotesu and Izumo look at each other and nod then try to break in, then pepper smoke bombs fall causing them to cough.

"Should have seen that coming, knowing who his Auntie is." Kotesu says turning to me as I walk up to them.

"Kono! Open up this door now!" I shout. "I know you hurt, trust me. I'm hurting too! Open up this door so we can talk!"

"No! You don't understand!"

"Yes I do!" I shout back stomping my foot. "I know what you are feeling! I lost everyone! Everyone except you and Asuma!"

"Isn't it a little early for all this racket?" Lady Tsunade says walking up.

"Kono. Open. This. Door."

"No! Even if you do open it I have the whole place booby-trapped!"

"Who do you think taught you that?!" I say leaning on the door.

"You two can't handle a little kid?" Lady Tsunade says turning to Izumo and Kotesu. "Get him out of there!"

Kotesu and Izumo nods as they start coming hand signs.

"Wait!" I shout making them stop.

"I want him of there by the end of the day." Lady Tsunade states as she walks off.

"She's just a ray of sunshine isn't she?" I mutter turning back to the door.

"Kono. Open this door please."

"Konohamaru let's go get some ramen!" Naruto says.

I slap Naruto on the back of his head and turn to Naruto. "Naruto now is not the time for ramen Naruto!" I scold at him.

"At least answer me!" Naruto demands.

"Fine then, shut up!" Konohamaru replies.

"Why you little!" Naruto shouts trying to bust open the door when a bunch of big bowls falls onto of him.

"Seen that coming too." I mutter sitting down with my back facing the door. "Kono. Talk to me please. Tell me what you are thinking."

"I don't want to talk to you! I'm mad at you too! I never see you anymore-"

"That the way of life Kono."

"Well it sucks! I just want grandfather back! And this is the Third Hokage's room! And I'm here to protect it!"

"No! Your duty is to protect this village! Not a room! I miss him too chisai tori (little bird). You know what. Forget this." I say standing up and pushing the door open dodging all of the items falling from above the door. When I open it I see trip wire and easily disengages it. Lady Tsunade walks in passing me and steps on a explosive tag channeling chakra to her foot she defuses it and walks over to Konohamaru and grabs a book from behind him and walks out. "Well that was simple enough, Kono. Let's go eat." I say holding my hand to Konohomaru. He takes it and we go eat in peace with Naruto. I wave them bye and head home.

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