Chapter 60

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We get to the Sand Village a little after midnight and I'm exhausted.

"Where do we go?" Buyuu looks at me as we stand at the gates.

"Uhhh... I guess the Kages office? Or maybe we can see if-"

"Mayumi!" Temari says running up to us as we see Gaara and Kankuro walking up behind her. "Back already? We just got back from a mission."

"Actually, we are staying here for a month or so." I explain to her. "Lady Tsunade said we get to train. Medical, teaching and I attempt to help your irrigation unit."

"Oh yeah, we uhm, don't have one. At all..." Kankuro states rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh boy." I yawn. "This is going to be a long month."

"Let's get you three to the house. Where is Sota-Sensei?" Temari asks.

"Oh, it's just us." I smile at her. Apparently I'm in charge. And I'm not too sure if that was a good idea or not. I guess I have to figure out how we get our training in, while being trained and helping while doing missions.

Unlike everyone else, I'm not good at planning things.

We get to their house and head inside and Buyuu heads to the room where Sota stayed in, Ry into the room next to me. We all fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up before the sun ever rises. I guess I only got 4 hours of sleep. I head out to the training grounds only to see my teammates sitting in the grass.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I ask and they turn to me.

"You know us, and we know you. We can't sleep well in places we're not used too." Ryota says and I sit with Ryota to my left and B to my right. You'd think I'd be used to sleeping here by now. But I just can't.

"Yeah, I was going to head to the office as soon as possible. I have a lot of work to do."

"How are we going to train and work and do missions?" Buyuu asks.

"Well, let us get through the next three days and I'll come up with a schedule." I state looking up at the stars.

"This is going to be a fun month." Ryota says smiling.

"Why do you think that?" Buyuu questions.

"Because, we get to learn from a different village. And help. Maybe we could grow more here. I don't know, I just have a really good feeling about this month."

"Are you.. are you saying you'd want to live here?" I ask surprised.

"I mean, if my teammates transfer here, I'd have too." He laughs. "I don't know, i just feel like there is a chapter in my life I need to open up."

"That's.. surprising. Coming from you." Buyuu says.

"And kind of deep." I say smiling as we watch the sun slowly come up over the desert.

"Well, I think it would be nice. To transfer here. Maybe one day at least. Or even to another village. I love home, I really do, but I think there is more out there for me." Ry states. We all sit there and ponder in his words.

I let out a sigh and stand up. "I guess it's time to start the day."

"Yeah, I'm actually excited." Buyuu says standing up.

"Hey, maybe me and you will get girlfriends this month." Ryota nudges Buyuu's arm.

"Heh, yeah... don't wish too hard on that idea. I'm off to the hospital, I better not see any of y'all in there." B says as he walks off.

"Yeah, I guess I should head towards the academy." Ryota waves me off while he rushes too.

I take my time walking to the Kages office. This heat is killing me already.

I walk into the office without knocking, I should probably start knocking since this isn't my home village. I can mess around with Lady Tsunade, these people. Probably won't like it very much. They seem like a more strict council than our own.

"Ah, Mayumi." Baki says looking up at me. This poor man is drowning in paper work. I might be able to help with this too.

"As you recently saw the conditions of our interrogation unit. Well, basically, uhm..." Baki stumbles of his words almost embarrassed.

"Whatever you need done, whatever you need to build, plan or anything let us know. No matter what it is. We need to get it straightened out and up and running." Gaara explains.

"Well, I can tell you, that we need to build separate rooms. At least three holding cells, an office or two, and an actual interrogation room."

"You got it." Gaara says and looks over to Kankuro. "I need you to go with Mayumi, to start mapping out how and where she wants things."

Kankuro nods and smiles at me.

"And no funny business!" Temari shouts as we start to walk off. I send her a wink and head down the hall with Kankuro right by my side.

I have a feeling while I'm here he's not going to leave me out of his sights much. Which I'm not going to complain at all. I'm liking the attention, which I usually hate.

"Mayumi, where exactly do you want things and how do you want them?" Kankuro asks pulling out a clip board.

"Wow, acting all professional now huh?" I giggle sending a small blush across his face.

We talk for a few hours mapping out everything. We've decided to have an area for two desks, an office, holding cells, and the actual interrogation room itself. We steal a few kisses here and there before we take our papers back to the office and give them to Baki.

"Is this all?" He asks suprised.

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I ask.

"Well, I actually thought you would want more."

"Baki, all I need is an office, holding cell, and the actual room itself. But fine, add a storage room, and a bathroom. I really don't like traveling all the way down the hall for that." I say crossing my arms.

"Uhm, yes sure! We will start on everything tomorrow! Team 0 has a mission tomorrow. Kankuro will also be with you too. And I understand you are a Chunin correct?" I nod my head yes at him. "Good, you will be squad leader. Here is the information." He says smiling and handing me a scroll.

I thank him and leave with Kankuro wrapping an arm around my waist.

"So my butterfly, what are we going to do for the next hour until the others are done?"

I contemplate about it and let out a sigh. "I guess I need to make up a schedule for us."

"Schedule?" He asks confused as we head to the training grounds.

"Well yeah, we're working, going on missions. And we need to get our training in." I state.

"You guys really like to over do it." He comments.

"We just like keeping busy I guess."

"Maybe it's time to step back some? I mean, you guys are the baddest team in Kohona. You already do so much for your village."

"Yeah..." I sigh out. "But that's just not me and you know that."

"Mayumi!" we hear Buyuu call out my name with Ryota right behind him.

"Hey guys." I smile at them. "I think I've figured out a schedule for us." I say turning to them as the sit next to me.

"Hit us." Ry states, ending him with a punch to the arm. "Hey!"

"Well you said to hit you." I laugh. "Anyway, I figured on the weekends, we can train, and take any missions needed. The week days, we do our jobs, in the mornings. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays we will do missions. Wednesday we will train. and Fridays are our free days. If for some reason we can't get out of work at the same time, we can just split to do missions."

"That sounds like a plan to me." Ry smiles and Buyuu nods in agreement.

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