Chapter 34

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I jump awake and adjust my eyes as the sun is shining down on me. I look over to see Naruto sleeping to my left and Ryota sleeping to my right. I look down and see that I  have a dark blue jacket laying on top of me knowing who it is I look over and see Buyuu already awake and Kiba still asleep.

"Why do I have your jacket?" I ask handing him his jacket back.

"Keep it for now, it's a little chilly this morning and because you were shivering in your sleep last night."

"Did we just sleep out here all night?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

He nods then points with his thumb. "Yeah, and dog boy over here snores a lot."

I laugh and look at Kiba with Akamaru laying across his legs. "Yeah, you get used to it eventually." I let out a big sigh. 

"That's an awfully big sigh." Ryota mutters next to me, I look down at him with his sleepy emerald green eyes looking up at me. "What's wrong?" He asks sitting up.

"I have a lot to do today." I say flopping back down accidently letting my hand hit Naruto and my hair goes across Kiba's face waking them up. Oops. That's one way to wake someone up.

"Can you guys please be a little more quiet?" Naruto mumbles covering his face.

"How about you go home and sleep?" I laugh closing my eyes.

"So do you guys always sleep outside like that?" A female voice says walking from the trees.

All the boys look over and sees Temari and Kankuro standing over by the trees.

"Maybe we didn't want to go home Temari." I say lazily still laying down. "It's not nice spying on people while they are sleeping."

"We haven't been here that long." Kankuro blushes trying to defend himself.

"Mmm okay then Kankuro. Keep your secrets to yourself then." I reply, Naruto yawns and says he's going to get some ramen, Kiba joins him and they wave team 0 off.

"So are you just going to lay there all day?" Temari questions.

"I have a lot to do today." I grumble sitting up.

"Yeah, well Buyuu and I are going to go train some. We will catch up with you later." Ryota says as him and Buyuu get up. They look down and offer their hand to me, I hesitate for a moment and grab both their hands and help me onto my feet.

"I guess I'll see you boys later." I smile at them as they walk off. I turn to Temari and Kankuro still standing there, then freeze when I remembers what I felt in the Sand Village.

"Are you okay?" Kankuro says stepping up to me.

I nod my head and look up him.Why am I just now realizing he's a few inches taller than me, his face paint perfect like normal. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm so busy today, I can't catch up right now." I give them a small smile to them then uses the wind to disappear.

"She seems...different." Kankuro says turning to Temari.

"Remember our mission Kankuro." She tells him.


I rush through the village to the Hokage's office desperately trying to find Kumiko. I jump onto the window seal where Kumiko is also sitting with my grandfather at his desk. They both turn and look at me.

"Mayumi? What's going on?" The Hokage asks looking at me.

"I have a real bad feeling for tomorrow gran- uh Sir." I explain.

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