The Señiorita's Babysitter

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No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted in any form without the permission from the author.

This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places, statements and events are product of author's imagination.


Grammatical and typographical errors ahead.





Skyla Valderama, born with a gold spoon in her mouth. Everything is in her, wealth and luxury life.

But all of the sudden her life changed. In just one snap, she lost everything since her father became addicted in gambling.
They were buried in debt. And the people that her father owes, they are not just an ordinary... because they are powerful and influential in the underground world.

In fear of her father that she will be implicated and be in danger. He sent her to a distant province to hide her.

Now let's meet, Alas Deogracia, the man that her father ordered to watch over her.

Skyla is confused, why in so many places why did her father send her to a province?

And most of all. Why would a farmer man is the one who guarded and watched over her?

But what Skyla doesn't know is, Alas Deogracia is an agent. And now the job assigned to him was to protect her.

Alas Deogracia is 'The Señiorita's Babysitter'.


Start date: June 15, 2022
End date: August 07, 2022

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