Part 31

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All are ready to left to go to their home when Vicky saw Arnav going to his room so he ask "Arnav you are not going with Khushi."

Arnav "no bhaiya I am not going with them because today is their day. After so many years Arman Bhai and Adavya bro don't need to hide themselves from Khushi. And tonight if I go then also they will kick me out of her room then what the use to go their when I have to sleep in guest room. Let them pampering her."

Arnav saw Dada ji said Khushi which is not cleared which is hear by Arvind.

Arvind "Papa your angel is not going anywhere but from today onwards you will see your Khushi with their Khushi."

Arnav "yes Dada ji you saw many shades of her but still many left. And my dear family and friends good luck to all."

Khushi's Mami ask "Arnav why you said good luck to all of us."

Arnav smile and said "my dear Khushi's Mami ji you and rest will know why I said."

Arav "Mama bring sister for us too. I promise I will be good brother like Khushi Mami's brothers." All look at him in shock.

Arnav ask "from where I will bring sister for you and who said you to ask sister from me. Go ask sister from your mother."

Arav "Papa said you and Mami will bring sister for you."

Arnav look at him but before he said anything his brother Nikhil said "Jijaji is right now it's your duty give sister to all of our sons and their cousins."

Arnav make face "ya I will go and pluck from tree. Beta tomorrow will all go but before ask your father where is that tree from where we can bring your sister."

After hearing him all start laughing. 

Arvind said "beta we all want your children so think about bringing them to this beautiful world."

Arnav "Papa we will think but do you understand the risk. If we have boy also then."

Akash "and if you have girl."

Arnav "yes we can have girl that is possibility but not confirmation."

Deviyani "leave all this I want you child before your birthday. Whether it is boy or girl."

Subhadra "yes and their is no excuses for this. We understand you are busy with your career and worries about baby. So we all are here for your child so fulfill our wish. I want my great grandchild."

Arnav "Nani you already have whole army of great grandchildren then why you want more."

Khushi's Nana "we don't want to listen we want Khushi and your baby before your birthday."

Arnav "my birthday is after 10 months."

Daee ma "baby need nine months. You have one month extra."

Arnav look all around and cruse himself to stay back. All of them corner him with their baby topic.

Then kids start dancing in happiness.

Arnav "I think I should leave."

With that he run outside to go to Malik's house.

All are laughing by seeing his run.

Daee ma to children "listen to me first." All attentively listen her.

Daee ma "if you want sister then you need to ask from God to give you a sister because only he can fulfill your wish."

All children including Guptas, Singhanias, Raizadas and Jhas are ready to do what Daee ma said. 

Their is happiness all around but Anjali, Ratna and Sakshi who are seeing all this and crusing Khushi.

Whereas in Malik Mansion Arman bring Khushi to her room which is decorated by both brothers themselves. Adavya help his brother making Khushi lay down on bed who is asleep on her brother's back.

Arman slowly and carefully detangle himself from her and put comforter on her. Their wife and children seeing all this. 

Ritwik who is elder among all said "Dad" but stop by Adavya. They come out of room leaving Arman with Khushi.

Adavya "you all go to you bed."

Gauri "Bhai and you are staying with Khushi in her room."

Adavya nodded his head and went back to room.

Gauri and Saanvi bring children down then Gauri said "beta your dad love his sister more than anything. Today they will stay in her room. She is your bua and your dads life line." 

Door bell ring.

Arnav ring the doorbell and door is open by Gauri

Arnav "before you ask something I will tell myself bhabhi that I will stay here and I will not go back to my house without Khushi. When Khushi is ready to go back then only I will go their otherwise I will be Ghar jamai. Come boys today I will give you company." 

With that boys and Arnav went to their room.

Khushi is sleeping on her bed whereas Arman is running his hand on her head to make her fall in deep sleep and Adavya lay down on sofa in her room. He know his brother is missed her as much as he do. Now he know one thing nothing bad reach their Khushi fir that they will go against anything.

Arnav sleep with boys whereas Gauri and Saanvi slept in their room. 

Adavya fall asleep by looking at his brother and sister. In middle of night Adavya feel thirsty so he wake up to drink water to see Arman is still sitting in same position and looking at Khushi like if he sleep then she will vanish in air.

Adavya put his hand on his brother's shoulder and said "bhai sleep for sometime. Once she wake up you will not get rest and for her you need to rest. Please. You know she will not like all this."

Arman nodded and sit on floor. He put his head on bed and hold Khushi's hand in his hand to assure himself that she is with him. Adavya understand his emotions because he feel same. With that Arman slept and Adavya sleep after drinking water.

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