Part 50

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Armaan and Arnav smile all know Khushi comment something which is funny but didn't ask.

Khushi " you can cook anything you want. I will eat what I feel to eat."

Gauri come near Khushi and said "I know why are you not saying me what you want to eat because you thought I will not let you eat food of your choice. That's true but I can cook something healthy close to your food preferences because I know how important and crucial this period for a woman so now tell me what you want to eat."

Khushi nodded her head and said "I want to eat tangy food not boring food."

All are confused what she want but may be Gauri understand what she want so she left for kitchen. Nandini, Anjali, Saanvi, kids and Adavya follow her. Sheetal also stand up to go then think not to interfere in their family. Seeing her eyes looking towards kitchen Dada ji said "Sheetal beta why don't you join them in kitchen to learn few more recipes."

Hearing Dada ji asking her to go she smile and went to kitchen.

Except for Payal and Lavanya all 3rd generation (Arnav and Khushi generation) ladies are in kitchen. 

Lavanya is in her room because she didn't like Khushi getting all attention. When she was pregnant doctor said that her pregnancy is complicated still no one take care of her in her in-laws so Payal ask her family to take her with them till her delivery because her parents never bother about her. After their divorce when she was 10 years old they send her to hostel. They definitely provide every kind of materialistic things but not their time and love.

Ajit Gupta is cousin of her mother that make him his Mama. So Gupta family become her family and Payal become her bestfriend but here all are living as per Khushi's wish that is what she thought. She hate her getting all love, care and attention from all.

Payal who follow her when she saw Lavanya going somewhere. Seeing tears in Lavanya's eyes Payal ask "La what happened, why are you crying."

Lavanya "Payal did you see what is happening downstairs. All are treating Khushi like glass doll, earlier Anjali now Khushi." Said with hateful voice.

Daee ma who follow them too without their knowledge because she saw Lavanya's eyes in which everything is clear so she thought to talk to them without informing anyone.

Payal get angry after hearing all this said "are you mad to said this. Tell me what you did to family, leave family what you did for your husband, son and yourself. You can't see what see did for everyone that is the reason all respect her more than anyone. Even I respect her too. Before she come what is our life. Our husband went to office and come back. We spent money like water without thinking from where that money comes. Dada ji gave all of us credit as well as debit card in which money is deposited by Dada ji not by our husband."

Payal deep breath for 2-3 times then continue "our sons are dominated by Anjali di son Aarav and Anjali di dominant us but she gave meaning to all of our lives. Our children are doing good and our husbands are getting recognition in their circles. Is it bad. She never ask anyone to respect her but she earned after doing all bad things to us which is for our good for long run. I don't know about you but I love her as my younger sister and respect her too. You should talk to Nikhil to know where you are wrong."

Saying this she left and Daee ma also left because this is not a right time to talk to Lavanya.

Where as in kitchen except for kids, Gauri and Adavya all cook breakfast for others. Kids stand in one corner on Gauri's order and looking at Gauri and Adavya what they are making for Khushi and her babies.

Gauri is making chapati of multigrain flour which is prepared on Daee ma's order and Adavya is cutting vegetables and fruits separately as per Gauri's instructions. After preparing 5 chapati Gauri start making vegetables stuff wrap. Gauri garnished them so that they look attractive because she understand one thing that Khushi is still child from heart who like tasty as well as beautifully garnished food. Along with 5 vegetables wrap she garnished curd too.

After completing her work she saw all are looking at her because she forget her surrounding when she start preparing food for Khushi.

Anjali ask "Gauri if you don't mind can I ask you something."

Gauri nodded her head while arranging fruits in a plate in such a way that if anyone look at plate they will said only one word that is Wow. Gauri decorates plate with fruits.

Anjali "why are you decorating food when Khushi ask for something tangy."

Gauri "tangy as well as not a boaring food. If she like this then one thing is clear she want to eat foods which is not only tasty but look beautiful too. Let me check and if she didn't like I will prepare something else." With this she arranged everything in big tray.

All others bring food for others on dinning table with the help of kids, who happily help women along with Adavya.

Gauri "breakfast is ready, so come fast before it get cool down."

All sat on their respective chairs when Gauri bring the tray for Khushi. Khushi is looking at the tray curiosity to know what is in that tray because she saw all food arranged on table for others. Even others also want to know what Gauri cook for Khushi. 

Gauri placed the tray infront of Khushi, after looking at tray Khushi's smile broadens to see colorfull items in tray.

Gauri added Kaka's chutney in veg wraps too. Seeing Khushi's smile all smile too except for Lavanya.

Arvind ask "can I taste what you prepare for Khushi Gauri beta."

Before Gauri said anything they saw Khushi's face fall when she hear Papa asking for her food. Seeing her face all understand very well she didn't like Arvind asking for her food, she is not happy to share her food with anyone.

Arvind also understand so he said "but my bad luck I can't taste them because if I taste them then it will mixed with my favourite paneer paratha and curd taste. Sorry Gauri beta I can't taste your food, next time you prepare make sure paneer paratha will not in menu."

Ratna "ya paneer paratha is your long lost lover whom you can't leave, so shut your mouth and eat your long lost lover."

All laugh, whereas Armaan is feeding Khushi with his hands. She is eating veg wrap from Armaan's hand and eat fruits or curd in between. All eat their breakfast. Khushi try to feed Armaan but he stop her by saying let him first feed her then he will eat.

Khushi finished all her food which is surprise as well as shock for all that she eat that much but no one said anything. After finishing her breakfast Khushi ask Arnav to take her to their room.

All completed their breakfast except for Armaan, who had his breakfast after Khushi left breakfast table.

Daee ma "Gauri next time don't make that much food. She finished all her food because Arvind asked for it."

Gauri "I will keep this in my mind for next time."

Anjali "you said right she will eat healthy food when it is garnished beautifully."

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