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"Please tell me that's not my diary from the 1700s," Joon whispered angrily towards Tae who was grinning a little too happily for someone that should be surprised.

"And if it is?"

Joon whipped around, his eyes narrowed at the younger man in front of him. "You gave my diary to the museum? Why?"

Tae shrugged, "I also gave them a bunch of Yoongi's old sheet music from the 1800s. I can't wait until he finds out."

"He's going to murder you."

Tae bounced a bit on his heels, his face entirely too cheerful for someone that is going to die, and horribly when it's discovered what he's done. "That's why it's funny. He rarely leaves the house, he won't find out for at least 50 years and by then, too much time will have passed and I'll forget that I even did it."

Joon pointed towards the plaque in front of the display, "donated from the Kim Insitute." His eyebrow was raised with the air of are you dumb? "I think he'll figure it out."

"Naw, there are three Kims. Who's to say it was this one?" He giggled as he pointed towards himself.

"Because he knows that Jin and I would never!" Joon was so exasperated, Tae was the second youngest but if we are being honest he's more immature most of the time than the actual baby of the family. 

Tae pouted and started to sniffle, he was being dramatic, Tae and Jimin like to role-play and be dramatic with each other and they use those skills to manipulate the other five so perfectly. "I'm sorry, I can get them back if you really want them. But you should have seen just how happy they were getting it."

"No, it's fine," Joon sighed. It wasn't, but he loved Taehyung too much to actually scold him. He'll leave that to Jin and Yoongi. "Come on, let's go get some food and head home."

"So over blood bags, I miss the days when we could feed directly." His eyes were starry and lost in thought, "do you remember how yummy it was and warm? It was even better if the person didn't fight it, it was so sweet."

"I know baby, but you know why we can't anymore."

He nodded his head, his curly hair flopping all over the place. "I know, if left unchecked we'd kill all our friends and that would be sad."

That's one way to put it. If left without their rules, they'd make their way through the human race and then there would be nothing left but the few vampires that are left in this world.

Jimin was bored, bored with life, bored with blood bags and if he was being honest with himself he was bored of his boyfriends. He loved them, loved them with his entire being. But they had been together for hundreds of years and the monotony of their day-to-day existence was bleeding over into their love life. None of them had the zest they used to have. They barely even had sex and when they did it was more routine than full of passion like it used to be.

He looked around at the other six, they were just sitting there. Not talking, not looking at the books on their laps, they weren't doing anything but staring into space. "I'm going to suggest something and it's going to sound crazy. But I want you to hear me out."

Jin snapped his head to the left to look at Jimin, "well that doesn't sound promising. Is this another scheme to find another lover?"

Jimin shook his head, "no, not that. Although I still think it's a good idea. I want to suggest something that might get us out of this funk."

"Funk? Tae and I went to the museum last month."

Jimin sighed, "that was ten years ago, see what I'm saying. We've gotten so bored with our lives that I can't even remember the last time I even moved from this couch other than to run my errands. I'm going to turn into a statue if I'm not careful."

"Can that actually happen?" The youngest, Jungkook blurted out.

"No, he's being Jimin. It's hyperbole, nothing more."

"Okay Britannica," Jimin grumbled. "I want to get a personal feeder, I think if we start feeding from the vein again, we'll become our old lively selves."

Utter chaos is about the only definition that would describe what was going on in their living room. Everyone but Jimin was screaming and going on and on about all the reasons that this was a terrible idea. Jimin just let them rant, they'd run out of steam here soon. That was the most action most of them had seen in decades probably. "Are you done and ready to hear me out?"

They all looked at each other, Hobi finally sighed, "I guess, proceed."

"I want to adopt a little." He held his hand up, he knew they'd have questions based on their confused faces. "It's an adult that has the mindset of a child. I want to find one that stays little all the time. They will be more susceptible to us controlling them. I've found a place where we can get one, I believe. But I want to get your opinion on it."

"You want us to feed on a child," Yoongi asked with his cat-like eyes held wide open.

"No, an adult. The one I was looking at is 21, but they stopped aging around 4. He was abandoned by his family at that age and just stopped progressing. He never slips out of little space so he has a hard time being adopted. Whenever it happens, they always bring him back."

Joon cocked his head to the side, "if they knew that he never came out of it, why even adopt him in the first place. What aren't you telling us?"

"Well apparently at first he's extremely closed off. Completely dependent on the adult, then after he's comfortable he acts out. Like a total brat trying to scare them off, if they make it past those stages, it's the third one that makes them bring him back."

"And that is?" Tae asked.

"He becomes sexual. Wanting to engage in sexual acts and it freaks the people out since he has the mindset of a child."

"But does he really? I've seen plenty of littles that know what sex is and are completely okay with doing that with their partners."

"I don't know Jk, I'm just telling you what the matron told me. So what do you guys think?"

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