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When Carson woke up the next morning he was so excited, excited to use his new sticker chart. The first sticker he chose was the Zombie with a bucket on its head from the game Plants vs Zombies. Jin had introduced him to the game and he loved playing it with the others. It went right at the top and he couldn't help but grin.

He was good all day earning several stickers to place on his board. Things were going great, he averaged one fit a day vs the 15+ he was having before the sticker chart. A month after Jk brought it home Carson started asking for nice bites again. That made everyone so happy, they had missed that a lot. They had gone back to the blood bags and it was just not the same.

And around a month after that, when Carson had been with them for 6 months he shyly walked up to Jin and asked if he could have sleepy milkies. Jin jolted, afraid that what he heard wasn't what he actually heard. Then he snapped out of it, "of course Munchkin. Let's go get comfy in your room."

"Carson go to your room please?"

"You want to have sleepy milkies in my room?" Once Carson nodded his eager yes, Jin grinned. "Then yes you can have your sleepy milkies in my room and once you are asleep you can stay there until you wake up."

"You might want to remember that he gets off while doing milkies so you'll have a mess to clean up."

Jin looked at Tae with a big grin, "don't worry about it, I've already got a plan for that." He pulled Carson up, "come on baby, I want to talk to you about something before your sleepy milkies okay?" Carson, being the sweet little human he is, happily skipped beside the vampire like he was so excited for whatever adventure Jin had planned. Once they were inside Jin's room, Carson tugged on Jin's shirt sleeve, "what is it?"

"Carson really happy here, thank you for keeping me."

Do not cry, Jin you are a thousand-year-old Vampire, do not cry. DO NOT CRY, Jin cleared his throat and smiled at Carson before he pulled him in for a massive hug. "You have no idea how happy you make us Munchkin, so so happy. You just being here, brought us back to the men we used to be. I know you don't understand, but we are so thankful for you."

Carson started to tear up, he was so happy, he couldn't even explain it properly. He just snuggled into Jin's chest with a deep sigh. Jin held him, rocking him back and forth until Carson yawned so cutely. "Ready for sleepy milkies, or do you just want to take a nap?"

The blush that spread across Carson's cheeks was so freaking cute that it took everything in Jin not to squeal in happiness. He didn't want anyone crashing in here and ruining the moment, so he kept himself in check. Carson pulled on Jin's hand, dragging him towards the bed. Jin got the hint. "Okay but, I wanted to ask you if we could try something first. You'll still get your milkies even if you don't want to. But I was wondering if I could give you milkies while you give it to me?"

Carson's head cocked to the side, his eyes went wide as they owlishly blinked in his confusion. "Jinnie give Carson milkies?" When Jin nodded his head yes, Carson was even more confused. "But why? Carson is supposed to give milkies, not get milkies."

"Baby, who told you that?" Jin's fist was clenched, he had an idea, but he wanted to confirm it.

"Master and Sir, they said Carson bad boy and can't ever have them."

Jin reached over and tucked his hair behind his ear a bit before leaning forward and kissed the little's forehead. "Well besides the fact that you aren't a bad boy, they lied to you baby. You can get milkies anytime you want. All you have to do is ask us."

His head popped up, "never had milkies before, will Carson like it?"

The vampire chuckled, "oh baby, I think you'll love it. Will you let Jinnie try? We can give each other milkies at the same time."

Jin loved seeing how curious Carson was, when he cocked his head to the side and pouted because something confused him and he didn't like that because he wanted to know more. "How?"

"First let's get undressed, then I'll show you." Jin pulled off his clothes wanting to get naked first in hopes that it makes Carson more comfortable. He was not expecting Carson's eyes to bug out and his mouth to drop down as he openly stared at Jin's hard cock that was bobbing against the elder's stomach and already leaking a bit of precum. "Like what you see?"

"Carson wants milkies, please Jinnie?"

Jin chuckled a bit, "of course Munchkin, let's get you undressed first, okay?"

Carson snapped out of his little stare fest and started immediately pulling his clothes off. It was sloppy and uncoordinated, much like that of a child, but so adorably cute and so adorably sexy in the best kind of awkward way. "Carson ready," he cheered with his hands thrown up in the air as he wiggled a bit.

If Jin didn't stop laughing, he'd lose his hard-on. "I see Munchkin," he sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to him, "come on baby, get comfortable."

Carson hopped on the bed and scrambled towards the older man, he sat down with his ass on his heels and his hands placed softly on his thighs. This is interesting, did someone teach him this, or is he a natural submissive? Either way, this is good news for Jin because he lives for pretty boys submitting to him.

Jin reached out, his hand moving slowly across the bedspread, watching for Carson's reaction. His pupils dilated and his breathing coming in shorter. His hand paused for just a second before lifting so he could place it on top of Carson's much smaller ones. "Can I touch you?"

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