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Yoongi will never admit that Tae was right, that he basically cursed them. It started as soon as Carson woke up and didn't end for a straight month. He woke up really happy and bubbly, ready to play. He ran off to his room and they could hear him telling BB that he finally got milkies and it was the bestest ever.

When Jk went to go get him for dinner, that's when everything went to shit. He didn't want to put on pants, he didn't want to stop playing with BB and he most certainly did not want to sit down and eat stupid yucky food. He's never in the four months he's been here ever complained about any of the food they've given him. He might have scrunched up his face, but with the promise of dessert if he eats it all, he'll happily eat the entire thing.

Tonight though, it was way different. He was throwing the biggest tantrum he's ever thrown and nothing was getting him to stop. Not Joon promising him as much dessert as he wanted, not Jimin telling him he can have as many milkies as he wanted, not even Jin telling him that he can skip pants for this dinner, and not Jk promising a nice bite, nothing was working. The only thing that even got him to stop screaming was Yoongi telling him that they could go to eat in his room, that he didn't have to wear pants, he could play the piano after if he ate all his food and he could have a milkie and nice bite if he really wanted.

"Can BB come too? BB likes the piano." Carson whispered so softly that if they wouldn't have been what they were, they never would have heard it.

"Of course Baby boy, BB is welcome anywhere in this house. You know that, we all love BB."

So for the first time in an hour, the screaming stopped, the kicking stopped and the tears were dried up. Hobi cleaned Carson's face and picked him up to carry him to Yoongi's room while Yoongi followed behind with his food and drink, smirking at the fact that they still give him actual milk to drink.

When he handed the glass to Carson he sighed, "Carson no like milk unless it's chocolate."

Both Hobi and Yoongi laughed so loudly, he's been drinking several glasses a day since they got him and this is the first time he's said anything about it. "Do we have anything to make it chocolate milk?" Yoongi nodded his head and told him there was some chocolate syrup in the cabinet. "Okay baby doll, I'll go make this chocolate milk. You be good for Yoongi and eat okay?"

Yoongi sat sideways on the couch, his back to the armrest so he could stretch out across the couch. It would make it easier to feed Carson, he pulled him into his lap, Carson coming willingly and easily while Yoongi spoon-fed him every single bite. Hobi danced back into the room singing a silly song about yummy chocolate milk that made the little giggle.

Carson finished all of his food and chocolate milk, to which the two vampires praised him over and over how he was such a good boy and that they were so proud of him. The little was a blushing mess and keening right in front of them, "praise kink," Hobi whispered to which Yoongi smirked in agreement.

"Ready to play the piano?"

The little looked at Yoongi, a smile plastered on his face. "Can I play my song?"

"He has a song?" Hobi asked in curiosity.

Yoongi snorted, "yeah, Jk played MCR, welcome to the black parade and Carson was humming it a lot so I told him that I could teach him how to play the intro. You should have seen how excited he was to learn it."

"That's so cute," Hobi mused as he bounced on the balls of his feet a bit. "Can I hear it Carson? Please, I'd really love to hear you play it."

"Yes, yes. Carson gives great concerts." The little was so excited and smiling so brightly, a massive difference from the tantrum and scream fest from earlier.

"Ready baby boy?" Yoongi asked as he shuffled him over towards the piano, placing him in his lap since Carson didn't know how to work the foot pedals yet. Carson nodded and looked at the keys trying to find where to start. Yoongi gently positioned his fingers and kissed the side of his neck, "there you go, you are ready."

The first G note was hit and Carson squealed in excitement, but he continued to hit the next notes. It wasn't many, only 11 notes that get repeated a lot. But he had never played the piano before, so the fact that he learned this in only a month was great in Yoongi's opinion. Hobi started clapping loudly, telling Carson how amazing he is and how proud he is of him.

Carson ended up getting shy once Yoongi added his praises in, hiding his face in Yoongi's neck. They thought everything was good, he was back to being his happy self. That is until he bit Yoongi and then ran out of the room laughing about him giving Yoongi a nice bite. He ran to Jk's room, diving under the covers giggling after he pulled his clothes off.

"Pearl, not that I mind. But why are you under my blankets?"

"Shh," Carson mumbled from under a mountain of linen, "hiding, Yoonie has to find me."

"Ahh," he responded with a soft hum. "He's playing hide and go seek," he whispered.

"Got it, I'll make a big show of it." So Yoongi stomped around the house calling for Carson as he looked for him. "Where or where is my baby boy at? I guess he doesn't want that brownie sundae, that's sad, I thought he would."

Carson popped up from under the covers, gasping, "did Yoonie say brownie sundae?"

Jk nodded his head, "he did, but he's using that to find you faster because you are such a good hider."

"Of course I am, Carson the best." His face scrunched up, "but I want ice cream more." Then he threw the covers off running naked out of the room screaming "I'm here Yoonie, want sundae please." Jk could hear Yoongi swinging him around as Carson giggled loudly.

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