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"Yo Carson in his room?"

Hobi looked up from the hundreds of stickers he was trying to organize to make it easier when Carson requested something, "yeah, I checked on him a few minutes ago. He's in there listening to music and talking to BB about the milkies he got earlier."

Jimin grinned, he was so excited that Carson finally trusts them enough to let that side out. They still haven't had sex, but Hobi got to show him how fun kissing is and ever since then Carson has made it his point to kiss them as much as possible. It's adorable really. "Thanks, I already told Yoongi but in case you were too into your crazy," he said as he waved his hand over the slightly organized mess in front of the older. "I'm taking him to go see Sarah if he wants, so he'll be late for his bath tonight."

"Thanks for letting me know, I know Jk wanted to convince him to try a shower. If you get back late enough, maybe I'll just switch days with him and they can shower together. It'll be faster than a bath for sure."

"Sounds good, I'm going to go see my love." Jimin skipped off towards Carson's bedroom, Hobi was right, he was talking about the milkie he got earlier from Joon and how Master and Sir were bad, not Carson. It's adorable really, he's finally coming around to them wholeheartedly. It only took them eight months. "Hey love, you busy?"

Carson looked up from the floor where he was laying down with his BB, "no, Carson finished after dinner chores. Just waiting on Yoonie for Piano time."

"That's good, well I talked to Yoongi and he said that you could skip lessons for this evening if you wanted." Carson's eyes narrowed a bit as he sat up to look at Jimin. Jimin sighed and sat down in front of the little on the rug. "I wanted to see if you wanted to go see Sarah."

He expected happiness, maybe a bit of confusion, he did NOT expect a hysterical panic attack as Carson curled into himself and started sobbing. "No no you promised, Jinnie said you love me, I hear forever, no send Carson back, I good boy now, Carson gets lots of stickers and milkies, even kisses now, please, I stay here no go back to little house."

It took Jimin a full minute to process what the little was crying about, then it clicked, he thinks they are sending him back like all the others. "Love, you aren't going back to little house." He scooted closer, pulling the crying boy into his lap, "you love Sarah right?"

"Yes, Sarah loves me too."

"Exactly, I thought that maybe you'd want to see her. It's been 8 months now and you must miss her terribly. She's been with you since you were four, I thought we could meet her at a cafe and you two could talk for an hour or two."

"Then Carson come back home, here, with Jiminie?"

Jimin smiled as he kissed the littles tears away, "of course love, we weren't lying when we said forever. Do you want to see her today? If not we can schedule something on another day if you aren't up for it."

"No, no, Carson go, I miss Sarah. Carson just get scared, no want to go back to little house. Carson stay here, forever, Carson love you sillies."

"Well that's good because we love you too, let's get you into some clothes." Carson started to pout, he really didn't like to be dressed and as long as they were home it was fine, "love, you can't go to a cafe and let everyone see your privates can you?" Carson sighed, then begrudgingly stood up to shuffle over to his closet.

Jimin knew what he was going to wear even before he came out wearing it, it was a large black hoodie of Jk's that practically swallowed him. But it was soft and apparently smelled yummy like Jk and it was dark so he stole it much to Jk's amusement. He paired it with black skinny jeans and black air force ones. "Going for full emo look?" Jimin mused.

Carson's eyes lit up and he held a finger up and ran off, Jimin could hear him rustling around in Yoongi's room. Then he heard a little ah-ha and Yoongi chuckling saying he could wear it. With a loud kiss to Yoongi, Carson ran back to Jimin wearing one of Yoongi's black ball caps. "Alright love, let's go see Sarah."

They pulled up at the cafe and Carson's eyes went wide, "kitties?"

"Yup, you have to talk to Sarah first, then you can pet all the kitties okay? Don't want to be rude, she drove all the way here on her only day off this week."

The little nodded his head as he was bouncing in his seat, "yes yes, Carson hug Sarah and play with kitties." He turned to look at Jimin, "we go now?"

With a soft chuckle, Jimin got them both out of the car. Sarah was already inside waiting on them. Carson screamed Sarah and neither her nor Jimin had the heart to get onto him for being so loud. He crashed into her, wrapping his arms around her neck and squeezing her hard. They fell back into the booth with Carson straddling her because he refused to let go. "Do you want me to get him?"

Sarah looked at the man that adopted Carson and smiled, "no he always does this when he sees me for the first time after a while," she chuckled a bit, "it's just usually there aren't people around. While I don't care. I don't want anyone to say anything to him and upset him."

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle it if it comes to that."

Sarah smiled, Carson looked great, way better than even when he was with her at the little house. He had put some weight on and he smiled a lot more. "He looks so happy."

"I like to think he is, he seems happy to me at least." 

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