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"Carson gets sticker now?"

Jk chuckled, "you back to the land of the living?"

The little sat up and wiggled a bit, "plug nice," he mumbled. "Sticker?"

"Yes, we'll get you your sticker. But after that, we have to get some food in you."

He pouted a bit, rubbing his tummy, "Carson hungry."

"Okay Pearl," Jk threw clothes on the two of them before making his way out to the living room with Carson in his arms. He picked up the sticker and handed it to Carson. He was really excited about this sticker. He took a picture of BB and had custom stickers made for the little and he couldn't wait to see if Carson loved it or not.

"Whoa, BB," he squealed as he waved the sticker in the air in front of them. "So pretty," he was smiling so big, giggling happily as he cooed over his BB. He even showed BB the sticker of himself and assured Jk that BB loved it as well.

"Well I'm glad you like it, let's put it on your board and get you some food okay?" It took a few minutes before Carson decided on the perfect spot for BB, it was close to the center and the biggest sticker there. He tried really hard not to look smug, but he was fairly sure he was failing big time. "That looks perfect Pearl, now let's get you fed."

Breakfast was chaotic as usual, Carson requested silly eggs which Jk had no idea what that was. Carson got frustrated because Yoongi knew what they were and he didn't understand why Jk didn't know what it was. But he also wouldn't explain it either, because Yoongi knows so Jk should know. So Jk handed Carson to a very confused Tae as he stalked off towards Jimin's room where he could hear Yoongi fucking the life out of him.

"Yah, I know you two freaks are busy but what the fuck are silly eggs?"

Jk heard Yoongi's deep chuckle, "baby I have to pull out and talk to him."

"No," Jimin whined in his high pitched needy tone.

"Gonna have to come in here Kook, he's being really clingy right now."

Yoongi wasn't lying, when Jk walked in Jimin was clinging to Yoongi like a damn koala. "What did you do to him," Jk asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Fucked him dumb, just like he asked. Now about silly eggs," he quipped as his hands ran all over Jimin's back. "is that what Carson wants for breakfast?"

"Yes, and I have no idea what they are and he won't tell me because apparently, you know what they are and if you know, we all should know."

"Sound logic," Yoongi chuckled, "it's eggs in silly colors. Prep the eggs like normal and then drop some food coloring in them. Ask what colors he wants but only let him have two choices."

Jimin popped his head up, the back of his hand wiping across his mouth cleaning up the bit of drool that was there, "no," he muttered.

"No? No what baby?"

It looked like Jimin was trying to remove cotton from his brain based on the way he was shaking his head and huffing a bit, "no food coloring, it's bad for you."

Yoongi frowned, "baby I've been making him silly eggs for months now."

"Didn't know, no more." Jk looked at Yoongi with a smirk, good thing he told you no and not me he thought but then Jimin turned to glare at Jk. "That includes you too. There are natural dyes that won't hurt him. Get those."

"I can do that, but right now I have a very hungry little that is adamant about getting his silly eggs. So for today can I make them with the normal food coloring and then you can buy the dye that you deem good enough for him?"

Jimin didn't like that, they could both tell but he could also hear Carson crying in Tae's arms about his silly eggs and how Yoongi knows what they are and why isn't Yoongi there. "Fine, bring Carson here so Yoongi can feed him."

"Uh Jimin," Jk was making an I really don't want to be the one to tell him face. "You are very naked, still sitting on Yoongi's cock and five minutes ago you were so fucked out that you were barely speaking."

"And now I am speaking, plus he's seen all of us naked before. I mean every single one of us have bathed with him as well as had our cocks sucked by him. Yoongi can handle both of us."

The youngest's eyes snapped to Yoongi, ultimately he's going to be the one to deal with two needy ass babies so this is up to him. "It's fine, I want to spend time with him because for the next few days we are going to busy with master and sir."

"I'll send Tae in here with him and I'll bring his eggs to you."

Before he even got all the way out of the room Tae was already there carrying a sniffling Carson, "I tried to calm him down, but it didn't work so well."

"Yoongi," Carson cried as he reached out for him, "Kookie won't make Carson silly eggs and Carson tummy hungry."

Yoongi held an arm out so Tae could put Carson down, Yoongi had Jimin in his lap cuddled up on his left and Carson next to him cuddled on his right. "He's making them now baby boy. And Tae is going to tell everyone what silly eggs are so just in case I'm busy, anyone can make them for you. How does that sound?"

"Yes, Carson loves silly eggs the mostest."

Tae gasped, his hand dramatically flying to his chest, "you love silly eggs more than your Tae Tae?" Then Tae threw himself down onto the ground as he fake cried about how his sweets didn't love him.

It was enough to get giggles out of Carson, "go tickle him baby boy, it'll make him happy."

So that's how Jk found them when he carried Carson's silly eggs and a cup of chocolate milk into Jimin's room. He was sitting on Tae's lap tickling him with everything he had while Tae yelled for mercy from the tickle monster that is his sweets.

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