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Jin's jaw dropped, he's never heard Carson speak so eloquently, there were moments when he'd be close to this, but never this perfectly. "Munchkin?"

Carson whipped his head around, "no Jin, she's not taking a hint. I mean your boyfriend is sitting in your lap and she's flirting with you. What makes it even worse is the fact that you have 6 other boyfriends at home."

"You are gay?" She gasped.

Jin snorted, "the gayest."

The girl scrunched up her nose like that was the nastiest thing she'd ever heard. Carson leaned forward, "back away from my boyfriend. Or do I have to sit on his cock in front of you to prove that he's taken?"

She got up and stormed out of the cafe, Jin was baffled and couldn't even get a word out. Carson stood up and walked over to the counter with Drac in his hands. "I'm taking my cat home, can you please pack up his things so we can leave." Jin still hadn't moved by the time Carson had everything ready. He reached down and grabbed Jin's hand, "let's go. I want to go home, now."

"Carson are you okay?"

The little raised an eyebrow at Jin, "am I okay? Of course I'm not. I just had to watch some whore shamelessly flirting with one of them men I'm in love with."

"Are you big right now?"

"What kind of dumbass question is that? Of course I am, now take me home, let me get Drac set up and then I want you to fuck me. Because if you don't, I might just scream and then cry." As soon as they got home Carson marched in and handed Drac to Tae, "please watch him while I get laid." Then he turned and walked off towards his room.

Tae was standing in the middle of the living room holding Drac and looking hella confused. "What's going on with Carson?"

"He's big right now. He got jealous at the cafe and went big, then told me that he wanted me to fuck him."

Tae's mouth dropped open, "go go you lucky dawg, go fuck that little cutie until he's a pile of goo."

Jin walked into Carson's room to find him already naked and playing with the plug that was in his ass while moaning softly. He palmed Carson's cheeks, "are you sure this is what you want? I don't want to take advantage of you like they did."

Carson stopped his playing, rolling over to look at Jin, "not once have any of you guys ever taken advantage of me or made me feel uncomfortable. If anything you guys didn't do enough. I had to beg for literal months for milkies and I've been begging to bounce for a while too."

"Munchkin," Jin sighed.

"No, I'll happily be your munchkin when I'm little but when I'm big I'm baby. I've heard all of you over the past year having amazing-sounding sex. All of you call each other baby, I want that too, I want to be your baby, all of yours."

"Okay baby, we can do that. But are you sure you are ready for this? All of your past experiences have been terrible."

Carson pulled Jin down onto the bed, straddling his waist, "they have and I want new memories of them. You took care of the bad men that hurt me, I'm safe now. Please don't make me beg anymore. I want this, I'm not little right now and even if I was, I promise I'd still want it. I'm more than okay with doing things with you guys in little space."

"How did you know that we took care of them?"

A snort left Carson's lips, "Jin I don't think you guys realize just how much you talk around me. I might have been little, but I've never been dumb."

Jin leaned up and kissed Carson softly on his lips, "we know you aren't dumb baby and we don't mean to talk over you like you aren't there. It's just that sometimes you get lost inside yourself with BB and that's your sole focus."

"I don't mind, you always talk to me when it's something concerning me. For that I'm completely thankful. You let me make choices, have a say. So please listen to the words I'm saying now. I want you Jin, I need you, please don't make me wait any longer."

"Okay baby, I won't." Jin flipped their positions, hovering over the boy, "but if we are going to do this, we are going to do it right."

Carson started to whine and pout, "no Jinnie, if you do everything you are wanting to do then I'll for sure pass out before I get your cock and I really want your cock."

Jin chuckled at how upfront Carson was being, but really if he thinks about it, he's always been that way. Always willing to tell them exactly what he wants. "So you just want me to start fucking you, no prep, no foreplay, just straight to fucking?"

Carson snickered a bit, "Kookie always uses like half a bottle of lube when he puts my plugs in for me. I've been wearing it since last night so I'm prepped and we do foreplay all the time. Please Jin," he begged as he started attacking the vampires pants to get them off.

When Jin slid home he was worried that he wouldn't be able to control himself. That he wouldn't be able to make it good for him. He's not known for lovemaking in their little boyfriend group. He's more into fucking and fucking his boyfriends so hard they limp for days, and that's saying something since they are all vampires. But this is Carson, his lovely little munchkin and he wants this to feel good for him. 

He wants him to enjoy sex, to want this with all of them and if he fucks it up it won't happen. "Can we still kiss?" Carson whispered.

"Of course baby, I'd never deny you kisses." Their lips slotted together perfectly, moving slowly, as slowly as Jin's hips were moving. "I love you," he whispered between kisses.

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