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Carson bit his lower lip a bit for one breath before he nodded once, his eyes never leaving Jin's hand. When Jin's fingertips slowly moved up Carson's thigh, the little tensed just a bit before fully relaxing. He was already hard, his cute little cock standing tall and proud against his stomach. Fuck Jin can't wait to taste him, ruin him. He wants to fuck him and see the outline of his cock against his stomach. He won't get to see it against his throat since he'll be busy, but that's okay. If he plays his cards right, this won't be the last time.

His long fingers wrapped around the small cock, it wasn't actually that small based on human standards, but compared to theirs, it was. It made him smirk, it would be nothing to suck that cock, wouldn't even have to try much compared to taking Joon's or even Jk's. He pumped his hands a few times, moving slowly up and down the length. Carson whimpered, full-on whimpered and Jin snapped.

He flipped their positions, Carson hovering above him, he wrapped his hand around both of them. Wanting to feel their cocks sliding against each other. "Fuck Munchkin, I can't wait to taste you."

Carson was panting in excitement, "milkie?"

"Yes of course, go ahead." And Carson did, he pounced on Jin, his lips wrapped around the head of his cock and Jin groaned, hips stuttering up a bit, "fuck Munchkin, so good."

Carson hummed happily, his small body wiggling a bit. Jin smirked, time to really blow his mind. He licked a fat stripe up the underside of Carson's cock, making the little yelp a bit before pulling away and looking at Jin with wide eyes. "Jinnie," he whimpered.

"I know, now come back to Jinnie," Carson scooted back over, making Jin smirk. He once again wrapped his lips around the head of Carson's cock, loving the taste and weight of him on his tongue. He didn't even care that Carson had all but abandoned his milkies. He wanted to be the first one to give him this pleasure, this experience. Maybe he can make Carson sleepy by doing it to him. With that Jin was set on his mission.

He moved his head quickly, rolling them over so he was hovering above Carson vs the other way around. He swallowed all of Carson, his tongue fluttering all around the shaft. Carson fisted Jin's hair, his little moans were music to his ears, and based on the sounds the others were making, they were enjoying it as well.

It didn't take long to make Carson cum, all the new sensations he was feeling it was surprising that he lasted as long as he did. But when he came, he was glorious, it was a sight that Jin wanted to see over and over. As soon as he swallowed all of the delicious pleasure he looked up at Carson, his eyes glazed over a bit. "Carson likes," he mumbled before his eyes fluttered closed and he was asleep.

Joon snorted, "gonna have to work up his tolerance that's for sure." He walked closer, brushing Carson's hair off his forehead, "he seems to fall asleep right after he cums." Joon's hand ran down Jin's body until he could wrap his fingers around Jin's still-hard cock, "need some help?"

The older's eyebrow raised as he laid back on the pillows making himself comfortable, "I mean I won't say no if you are offering."

The younger bit his lip a bit, making himself comfortable on the bed next to Jin while Jin pulled Carson into his arms for a cuddle. "Oh so you are getting to cuddle while I do all the work?"

"You can cuddle after, don't think I didn't hear you railing Jk within an inch of his life earlier. Now suck my cock and then cuddle me, I'm feeling needy."

"Yes sir," Joon murmured. He wrapped his lips around the head, much like Carson did not even ten minutes ago. He didn't take long, way too keyed up from Carson and now seeing Joon blow him.

He wanted to run his long fingers through Joon's hair, but they were too busy rubbing up and down the naked back of Carson. He could feel the goosebumps starting to form on the little and it made him grin when Carson nuzzled into his chest more. "Fuck Joon, hurry up. I want to feel your arms around us."

Joon chuckled, the vibration on Jin's cock being exactly what he needed. His back arched a bit, trying his best not to wake Carson he bit his lips shut so he could moan quietly. Once he was done, his back sank into the mattress with a soft sigh. "Better?" Joon asked, amusement laced in his voice.

"Much, now come cuddle me damnit."

"Someone is being so needy today," he mused.

"Very," Jin agreed with a smug smile. "Carson asked for milkies and I got to give him his very first blow job. Did you hear that he'd never had one because they always told him that he was a bad boy? Like what assholes." 

"That is sad, maybe that's why he cums when he gives head? It was the only way he could get pleasure out of it. Do you think bouncing is actually what we think it is?"

Jin looked at Joon with a frown, "that they make him do all the work when they had sex, yes. And only when he was really good. It's sick really, it was like it was all about their pleasure and they didn't care about him at all."

Joon snorted, "I just blew you for your pleasure and got nothing out of it."

"You also railed Kook so hard into the mattress that he's probs going to be limping for at least 24 hours, there's no way that you could even get hard at this point."

"I so could, if I wanted to."

Jin looked at Joon with a challenging glint in his eye, "oh yeah? Get hard right now and I'll let you dick me down so hard that you'll have to take care of both Kook and I."

Joon gasped, looking like he wanted that so much before he deflated a bit in defeat. "Ugh, that sounds so nice but you know I can't. My refractory period isn't that quick." 

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