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"Jin I've been either giving someone a handjob, giving myself one, fingering someone or fingering myself for like 12 hours. I know I'm a vampire, but God damn. The only break I got was when those idiots were in the pool. I'm sure everyone is sick of cumming by now."

Jin looked at Jk with his cock out and already hard again, "naw, I'm still good. Keep going baby, I have big plans for you today."

Jk wanted to cry, his wrist is fucking dead and they aren't giving him any fucking break. "Yes Sir," he whispered as he went to sit next to him since he just finished servicing Taehyung for like the fifth time that night. How are they even getting hard still, like nothing about this is even sexy?

"Better hurry, I hear our little baby waking up and he's part of this punishment."

The youngest vampire's head dropped as he started moving his wrist faster. When this first started he had been hard, seeing his boyfriends all hard and excited made him the same. But after the fourth hour of touching and pleasing them with nothing for himself, his erection died down. Now he's pretty sure he couldn't get it up if he tried. But he made Jin cum for the 7th time since this punishment started.

Once he cleaned Jin up and got his pants back on the older he looked at him waiting for his next instructions. "Go make Carson breakfast. I'm thinking pancakes." Fuck he's going to have to whisk it and flip them, Jin is a terrorist, there's no other explanation.

When Jin walked into Carson's room he was just starting to stir, he was sleeping so cutely. His ass was in the air and his legs were folded up underneath him. His arms were spread out to his sides like he was trying to reach both sides of the bed. He was smacking his lips like he always does when he wakes up thirsty. "Morning munchkin, did you get a good night's sleep?"

Carson hummed a bit as he rolled around until he was sitting up, "Carson hungry," he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. 

"Kookie is making you pancakes. But I wanted to ask you if you'd play a game, a fun game with us after breakfast."

"Carson loves games, so yes."

Jin smiled as he ruffled the littles hair, "that's good, it's a happy fun game, kinda like milkies and bounce. But different." The little cocked his head to the side, "you liked it when Joon filled you up yesterday right?"

"So much, nice."

"Okay, well I want Kookie to do the same. But I also want him to play with your cock, the game is to see how many times Kookie can make you cum but he can't cum. If he does you win. Do you think you can do that?"

"Make Kookie cum, by milkies?"

"No munchkin, he'll be inside you and every time you cum it will be hard for him not to. So basically the more you cum, the more you'll win."

Carson grinned as he crawled over to Jin and sat in his lap, "sounds fun Jinnie, Carson will play and win." He cheered.

"That's my good boy, now let's go get you those pancakes. You can be naked today, all day if you want."

That caused him to squeal in happiness as he jumped up and down on the bed and cheered about it being the best day ever. So Jin helped him get naked, not that it was hard all he had on was a shirt. And he carried him out to the kitchen before setting him in his chair so he can eat.

"Jungkook, once breakfast is over we are going to watch a movie and while it's going on our little baby here needs to be full. That will be your job, you also are going to make him cum as many times as possible with your hand, make him cum so much that he can't anymore. You are not allowed to cum, if you do." Jin took his thumb and pointed down.

Carson clapped, "don't worry Kookie, I will win for us." The little doesn't understand that if he wins, Kook loses and Jin did that on purpose. He also knows that Jk won't do anything to upset the little either.

"That's so sweet of you love, you are such a sweet boy for us." Jk's teeth were clenched together and he was pissed, Jin could tell and it made it all the sweeter for him. "Come on finish eating and then we'll go play Jinnies game."

It didn't take Carson long to finish, he was too excited to play. Once he was done they went to the living room and got Carson settled onto Jk. "Alright munchkin, remember he has to make you cum as many times as possible before this movie is over. So you can't fall asleep, can you stay awake for us?"

"Yes yes, Carson wants Kookie and him to win."

Jk was seething with the need to murder Jin and fuck the adorable little that was on his cock, but he won't. "I'm going to start now love, is that okay?" Carson hummed as he wiggled a bit on Jk's lap. His wrist was killing him, vampires heal but he hasn't really given it a chance to heal since it's been in constant use with weird ass angles. But he'll deal, this will please Carson and feed into Jin's sick need to control everyone.

He fisted Carson at the base of his cock and started moving his hand up and down, the little always responds well. He moans and does his best to help, which usually means moving his hips as well. The only issue with that is, he's sitting on Jk's cock and basically fucking himself and if Jk could cum, this would be amazing.

The first orgasm Jk had to bite his tongue to stop himself from cumming. The way he squeezed him so tightly was such a great feeling. "I hate you," he whispered to Jin before he set about starting this torture all over.

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