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"Carson, love stay awake. You want to win right?"

The little was so sleepy, but that was enough to wake him up. He whined, "M'tired, hurts."

"I know it does and I'm sorry love. One more and I'll cum, then you'll win."

"Promise?" He whined louder. "Carson wins for Kookie."

"Of course love, you'll make Kookie so proud."

He had done great, he had already came four times, the last time barely any cum came out. Odds are this time would be dry. But that's what Jin wants. So he worked his abused wrist one last time and when Carson cried out at the dried orgasm, Jk groaned and threw his head back. "We won?"

"We did love, get some rest." And with that Carson passed out.

Jin was grinning, he was leaning back against the couch cushion, his legs spread wide as his hands ran up and down his thighs. "That was fascinating to watch. What would you like your punishment to be?"

"What punishment? I won."

"No you didn't, you came with Carson that last time."

Jk cocked his head to the side and smirked, "I did, are you sure?"

"Yes, I saw you."

He lifted Carson up slowly and turned him in his arms so he was laying against his chest. He laid them down, to where Carson's ass was pointed towards Jin. "Do you see any cum spilling out? Do you see any cum on my dick? I'm still hard Jin, my refractory period is good, but not that good."

"You faked it?"

"Carson wanted us to win. He didn't realize how sadistic you are and that him winning meant me losing and being punished. I wasn't going to make him sad."

Jin smiled, "part of me wants to be pissed that I lost, but you did good today, you made our baby happy."

Jk smiled all smug like, "I want to make a smart-ass comment but I'm not prepared for the repercussions of it so I'll just say thank you."

"It only took 1,000 years but you are finally learning," he mocked.

Jimin looked at the two humans, he was getting bored. He told them that they couldn't make noises so he had to listen to them snivel quietly. "I'll be back, I'm going to go get Tae."

"Okay baby, I'll watch these two."

He kissed Yoongi quickly and then went to find his soulmate. He found him passed out with his collar still on and his head in Hobi's lap. "Is he still in pup space?"

"No, he came out of it he was just tired and wanted to keep his collar on longer. I'd never deny that for him so I played with his hair until he fell asleep."

"It's strange, we never needed sleep or showers, we barely ate or even moved around, and don't get me started on all the kinky ass shit we've gotten back into. It makes me wonder, if human blood fresh from the source makes that much of a difference, how are there any more vampires around? I had no motivation to do anything really until Carson came along."

"I wouldn't put it past vampires to have hidden human consorts like we do. Do you need me to wake him up? It's not like we really need sleep"

Jimin bit his lip, he wasn't sure if he should. There are other people in this house after all. "I wanted to see if he wanted to take Carson to the Cat Cafe to see Drac. It's been a week or so since anyone took him and frankly I want to get him out of the house so I can hear those bastards scream and beg for mercy."

Hobi looked at the murderous glint in his boyfriends eyes and he chuckled, "Tae would love to go, he loves Drac just as much as Carson does. I agree with Joon that we should just bring him home."

"I know, but Carson said that he wasn't ready and until he is I won't put that pressure on him."

"I know, I just wish he saw himself like we do."

"He will, eventually. He's coming out of his shell so much. Wake him up and ask him if he wants to, if not I'll get someone else. I'll go get Carson ready." Jimin turned to find the little only to see him bouncing up and down in the living room clapping about how Joonie told him that he was going to go see Drac and he was already packed and ready to go. "I see that," Jimin smiled.

Carson was dressed in his sweater and shorts, he had on his favorite chucks and his little backpack. "I packed the coloring sheets and BB too plus that fishie we bought him."

"Don't forget to take the supplies we bought too pumpkin," Joon chuckled as he pointed towards the stack of goodies they bought last week.

"I won't," he sang.

Tae came out all dressed and ready to go see his favorite kitty with his favorite little. They packed up the car with all the cat supplies and they were off. "I can't believe he's finally starting to color. It makes me so happy Joonie."

"He was playing with toys the other day, the ones that Kook bought him. He even watched Mulan with Jin and played a children's board game with Yoongi when he took a break from torture. At first I was worried that him doing all of these children things was going to keep him locked away for longer. But now I think it's going to help him, I see flashes, moments where I swear he's not little anymore."

"He was told that he could be big, I think that was freeing to him. It's only been a few days, just imagine him in a month. We might actually be able to see his big side."

Joon looked like he was seconds away from crying, "I honestly can't wait for that day. To see him finally break free of the cage he put himself in. I know we wanted a little so we could feed, but he's so much more than that now. I honestly don't care if he big, little or both. I just want him."

"It's the same with me as well."

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