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Carson didn't play with the duck, he just held it gently in his hands and looked at it with awe. He didn't splash in the bubbles like most children would. Why wasn't he allowed to bathe himself? He's not making a mess at all. "Carson is it okay if I clean you up now? You can still play with your duck." The little nodded his head and Tae got to work.

"Can you tell me who hurts you?"

He flinched a bit, "no one listens to Carson. They just see nice littles, not the meanies they really are."

"Hey," Tae whispered gently as he rubbed the washcloth up and down Carson's shoulder. "I'll listen Carson, all of us will. Can you tell us please?"

"Littles not always little like Carson."

It took Tae a minute to register what he was talking to, "do the others at the little house hurt you?"

"When they not little. So when they little Carson bes mean back."

Jimin chuckled as he was sitting on the couch, "that's why he always does those things to them."

Joon looked up from his laptop where he was doing as much research about Carson as he could. Trying to figure out who his last owners were and why they were so mean to him. "What does he do, is it violent?"

Jimin shook his head, "he pushed their silverware on the floor or moved their cup too far away. That was his retaliation for the people that abused him. He's too pure."

"Carson, you can play with the duckie if you want. Or any of them."

"No," Carson sighed, "Carson bad and can't play with toys no more."

"What do you mean sweets?"

Carson looked at him and Tae could see the intelligence behind them, could see the man that was locked away by his own choosing. "Carson so bad, he want toy. Cry cry so loudly, Daddy yelled for Carson to wait. But no, needed toy now. So Daddy reached for it. Bright light, loud sounds and fire. It was so hot." He sat the duck down gently next to Tae where he was sitting. "Carson no deserve toys no more, Carson the reason he's alone."

"What the fuck," Tae whispered. "What is he talking about?" He heard Joon tapping on the keyboard.

"His family died in a head-on collision, the truck driver was on his 36th hour of no breaks and he fell asleep at the wheel. He crossed the highway over into their lane. There was nothing they could have done."

Tae blew out his breath and looked at Carson, "sweets, it wasn't your fault. It was the truck driver's fault."

He shook his head no, "Sarah told me, but I needed toy. Daddy would have moved if not for Carson."

"Carson, I know you don't believe me. But I will prove it to you, okay? Let's get you cleaned up and into bed."

The little nodded his head, "Carson nice bite after, sleepy?"

"You want me to bite you?" He nodded again and Tae sighed. He wasn't upset at all, he was hungry but he felt like Carson was using the bite to push down feelings. "Okay sweets. I'll give you nice bite."

Tae had to look away when he was drying Carson off and putting his clothes on. As soon as that was done Carson scrambled to clean up his dirty clothes and brush his teeth. He dried the sink after making sure there were no watermarks left. "Do Carson need to dry tub too?"

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Carson make mess," his eyes looked a bit frantic. "Rule #4, Carson clean messes. Master put me in the spider closet for this."

Tae shushed him, "Carson you didn't make a mess." He walked towards him and wrapped his arms around him, "this isn't a mess sweets. You picked up your dirty clothes and you cleaned up your toothpaste spill. You did a great job, I'm so proud of you. You cleaned up and even asked for nice bite. Tae Tae is so so proud of his good boy." He was petting Carson's hair as they swayed back and forth.

"Tank chu," he hiccuped, "Carson sleepy, nice bite now?"

Tae pulled back and reached for Carson's hand, he walked towards Carson's bed but he felt soft tugs from the little. Carson was pulling him towards the closet. "You want to change clothes?"

"Carson likes dark," was all he replied as he sat down in the little nest of blankets that Hobi had put down earlier.

"Gonna have to paint his room if we want him to sleep in his bed. He likes dark colors it seems."

Jk snickered, "I knew yellow was a bad idea."

"Yah, yellow is calming as fuck. Who would have thought that the dark-ass navy blue that Yoongi had in there would have been better?" Jin sighed from the kitchen.

Carson cocked his head to the side and Tae slid over and gave him his nice bite. They are old and don't really need to feed that much. But this is the first time he's tasted it from the veins in hundreds of years and it's euphoric. His eyes fluttered closed and by the time Tae was done the little was fast asleep leaning completely into Tae.

He tucked him in and then went to speak to the others. "So first thing on the list tomorrow is to paint his room and switch out the furniture. Jimin you also need to speak to Sarah, I don't care if they don't believe him. He's been abused, and whoever bathes him would have seen that."

"There's no way Sarah is the one that bathes him. If she would have seen that she would have pitched a fit. She loves Carson, you should see how much she grilled me every time I was there." 

"So find out who bathed him."

"Can we talk about the fucking spider closet?" Yoongi gasped out like he had been holding it in this entire time. "And the fact that he thinks he killed his family and that's why he doesn't play with toys. Also why the fuck is he so excited about milk? Did they not ever give it to him, it's fucking milk and it's only a few bucks a gallon?"

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