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Jimin watched Carson purposely be a brat towards the younger littles, one little boy he pushed his spoon onto the floor, and a little girl he placed her cup just out of her reach and he did it with a sly little smirk. No one else noticed, but Jimin did. He was attuned to him, ever since the first time he drank his blood. He'll never forget how amazing it was, he made sure that Carson was calm, and then he sat behind him and drank from him.

After that, he was addicted, the both of them. Carson to the feeling he gets from the bite and Jimin to the taste of his blood. The others were mad that he did it, but after he explained that he needed to ensure that Carson could handle it they understood. It was the truth, but even if it wasn't, Jimin would have drank anyway. It's been far too long since he drank from the vein.

"Carson, Jimin is here to see you," Sarah said as soon as Carson put his plate in the sink. "Would you like to take him to your room?"

Carson stood up and nodded his head, he didn't bother looking at Jimin, they both know the older would follow regardless. Once inside the small room, Jimin shut the door. Carson looked up, baring his neck, "nice bite time?"

"No love, not yet." Carson frowned before it turned into a small pout, "don't fret, I want you to meet my friends."

"Why?" Carson cocked his head to the side, "Carson yours."

"You are love, but remember when I told you that Carson was special?" The little nodded his head eagerly, "and remember me telling you how Carson would live with me and my six friends? How we'd all take care of Carson?"

"Yes, your friends bite too?"

Jimin smiled softly as he reached out to brush Carson's hair back, he knew he'd pull away, just like every other time. "They do, would you let them bite you too?"

"Nice bite, like Jimin's?"

"Yes love, it's a nice bite like mine. Do you want to come meet them?" Carson nodded his head before squeezing his precious BB against his chest, "that's good. Do you want to pack any of your stuff?"

"No, just BB. All Carson has is BB." He didn't seem sad, just stated it like it was a fact.

"Okay, let's go say goodbye to Sarah then." Jimin expected tears, but Carson hugged her softly and whispered something in her ear and when she whispered back, he was ready to go. "What did you two say to each other?" He heard it, his hearing was no match for humans but he was curious if she'd be honest.

She sighed, "he said he'd see me in a few months at most."

"And your reply?"

"I told him that you were serious and that you promised to keep him no matter what." She narrowed her eyes at him, "don't make me a liar, I love that boy like he was my own, and if I could give him everything he needed. I would have already adopted him."

Jimin nodded his head slightly, "I assure you, I will more than meet every one of his needs."

Thankfully that was enough to assure her, he got Carson buckled up in the backseat and then he began the long journey home. As vampires, they needed to live somewhere out of sight of humans, for both species' safety. But it made getting the house liveable for a human, difficult. 

They don't require sleep, they can, but they don't need it. They also don't eat human food, so they had no need for a kitchen. Then add in the fact that they don't need a toilet, yeah their house didn't even have electricity before this adventure started. Now they were living in the 21st century and all of them have expressed just how nice it is. 

Several of them are fascinated with the television, there isn't a time when it's turned off now. Joon quite likes the internet, it helps feed his need for knowledge. Yoongi has always enjoyed music, and once he discovered he could make it himself, he was a happy vampire. Even if he stayed in there for days on end. "I hope you like my friends, they are excited to meet you."

Carson's eyes met Jimin's in the rearview mirror, a car. Yet another thing they had to buy because of him. They could run faster than this hunk of metal could drive, so there was no need for it. "Friends bite nice, Carson happy with BB." Then he broke eye contact and hummed softly.

Jimin knew that he understood what was going on better than he was letting on. Sarah told him that every time he was brought back it forced him out of little space, so if they wanted to keep him little, they needed to meet all of his needs. He knew that meant sexual needs as well, he wasn't sure if it meant fucking the little or something else. But all of them agreed that they were willing to please him if it meant that he fed them his blood daily.

"Yes, you can get nice bites whenever you want Carson. All you have to do is ask and any of us will bite you okay?" The little nodded his head confirming he heard and understood. He receives pleasure from the bites and eventually it will turn into sexual pleasure the longer it goes on. He's only been bitten a handful of times at this point. So it's interesting to see how Carson will handle it. 

Two hours later they pulled up to the massive gate that kept everyone off of their property. It looked very old, and it was, but it was also very secure. They had to reinforce security, if other vampires found out that they had a human feeder living with them, all of them will be killed. Carson included, him just for being a human in the wrong place and the others, because they are vampires that broke the law.

"Carson, are you ready to see your new home?"

He peered up at the mansion in front of him, "Carson's home for next months. Okay, Carson goes."

"Forever Carson, this is your home forever." But Carson didn't reply, he just hummed noncommital. It'll take them a bit to gain his trust, but they needed this as much as they needed him.

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