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The next morning Carson found Tae and asked if he could be next, Hobi ensuring that it went okay with the others right behind him. That evening they switched places. He was now fully bonded with three of them. Next came Yoongi and Jimin and the following day was Jin and Joon.

Carson stayed big the entire time and his big side was so different from his little side. But they weren't lying they did love all sides of him. "You can suck it, I am the king of Grand theft Auto."

Tae and Jk looked at Carson who was currently jumping up and down on the coffee table as he cheered for his nonexistent victory. "He does realize that we are on a team to complete this mission right? Like it's not him against us?"

Jk shrugged, "who cares, he's having fun and playing something besides plants vs zombies."

"Jiminie," Carson cried as he launched himself onto the vampire, "I'm sleepy, nice bites while Yoongi does sleepy milkie?"

Jimin chuckled a bit, "sure baby. But first I want to feel you."

Carson smirked as he climbed out of Jimin's arms, "that's a given," he murmured as he made his way towards Jimin's room, dragging Yoongi with him.

By the time Jimin's brain started to function again, he ran to his room to see both of them already naked and making out. He pouted, "but what about me?" He whined loudly.

Yoongi chuckled, "come here you big baby." He waved at the younger encouraging him to join them. He was not expecting Jimin to wrap his lips around his cock. "Fuck baby," he groaned against Carson's lips.

Carson giggled a bit, pushing Jimin onto his back, forcing Yoongi to rotate his hips if he wanted to keep getting his cock sucked. Carson pulled his plug out and started to ride Jimin, his moans getting muffled by Yoongi's cock. Yoongi reached down, petting Jimin softly, "such a good boy for Daddy, making him so proud. Are you going to fill our baby up just like he wants?"

Jimin whined, hands going to Carson's hips as he started helping him bounce faster. Carson cried out before he came all over Jimin's stomach, he swayed lightly, only staying up because Jimin was still holding him. "Yoonie? Are you my Daddy too?" He asked before his eyes fluttered closed and he fell asleep in Jimin's hold. Yoongi came as well as Jimin and they looked at each other.

"So are you going to be?" Jimin cheeked.

Yoongi groaned, settling on the bed with his two babies in his arms, "stop, I feel like you are making fun of me."

Jimin giggled a bit, rubbing his nose in the crook of Yoongi's neck, "I'm really not. I swear." He looked down at Carson snuggling into Yoongi's stomach. "So much for nice bites and sleepy milkies," he snorted.

"Just means he won't sleep as long, get a rag so we can get you two cleaned up and then it's time for you to feed you baby."

He whined again, not wanting to get up but he had to since Carson was literally passed out on top of Yoongi. "Fine, but I want cuddles after."

"Like I'd ever deny you." After they were clean, Jimin latched onto Yoongi's neck, drinking deeply as he practically purred with contentment. Yes he loves feeding from Carson, even more when they are making love at the same time. But drinking from Yoongi, was just something else.

Carson was running around the room chasing after Tae yelling that he was going to play with his puppy or he'd cry. Drac was right behind him, bouncing across all the furniture and Hobi was pleading at them to calm down. "No I want my puppy!" Carson yelled.

Hobi looked at Tae, "pup?"

Tae stopped running, putting his hands out to catch Carson before swinging him around in the air, "you really want to play with your pup?"

Carson pouted, squishing Tae's cheeks together. "So badly, please, please Tae Tae. We can do nice bites and bounce after."

Tae snorted, like he really needed any of that to persuade him. "Of course sweets, if that's what you really want."

Life with Carson being their human consort was amazing. Ever since they did the ritual, Carson was so attuned to them. He could sense their moods, their wants, and needs. A month after it happened, something set Jin off and he was in one of his rages. Something they hadn't seen since around the 1500s, and not even Joon or Jk could calm him down. But Carson woke up from his nap and walked straight outside.

They didn't notice him at first, they were concentrating on the raging vampire that was ripping trees out of the ground and tossing them like they were footballs. By the time they noticed the little it was too late. He walked straight up to Jin and held his hands out to be picked up. Immediately Jin calmed down and held Carson against his chest as he rocked back and forth. Carson cocked his head to the side and Jin bit him. 

When he was done, he held his right palm against Jin's cheek, "Jinnie okay?"

"Oh munchkin, Jinnie is perfect now."

"Carson help?"

Jin smiled before kissing the little breathless, "Carson helped so much. Jinnie is so thankful to Carson."

He nodded his head before crossing his arms, "good, because you woke me up and now I want ice cream."

The vampire snorted, looking at his big boy. "Okay baby, do you want me to still carry you or let you walk since you are a big boy?"

"Carry me," he yawned, "I was having such a good dream and you were making so much noise."

"I'm sorry baby, Jinnie won't do that again."

The six others breathed a sigh of relief that he was calmed down that easily. Joon grabbed Jimin and pulled him in a massive hug, "thank you, thank you for suggesting we get a little, thank you for finding Carson and bringing him home. I never thought our lives could be like this, but it's perfect Jimin all because of you."

"You coming Jiminie and Joonie?" Carson yelled from the back door with a massive smile on his face.

A/N catch you in the bonus chapters chaos goblins!!

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