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"Come on baby boy, let's let Tae Tae go and help Jk clean the kitchen and you come eat the silly eggs that Kook made for you."

Carson sighed like he was really put out, "okay, but Carson likes tickle fights with you guys."

"You do?" Jimin asked, "and why is that?"

"You don't hit or kick me when I tickle you, once time a little slapped me. I bit my tongue, it bleed all night."

The four vampires looked at each other with anger in their eyes, yes they get how tickling can affect some people that way, make them want to lash out because they are sensitive. But Carson stops when you tell him to. So why would they hurt him vs saying stop? "Did they tickle you too?"

"Yeah, but that wasn't fun either."

"Why wasn't that fun," Kook asked.

Carson was chewing on his bottom lip, Tae sat up rubbing his hands up and down the little's arms, "sweets, you can tell us anything. We promised to always listen and we've kept that haven't we?"

The little sighed, "yes, Tae Tae always listens. They tickle Carson until he pees himself and then they make fun of Carson. Call him a dumb baby. I not dumb, I not always like this. But they don't listen."

"Carson, do you like being little or do you want to be big?"

His scared eyes went to Jimin, "Carson scared to be big sometimes. Sarah said Carson wanted because he always little, so if Carson big then Carson not wanted."

Jimin gasped a bit, he did tell Sarah that he wanted Carson because he was little all the time. Because at first they needed that to be able to feed, but Carson willingly lets them feed whenever they want and he even asks for nice bites quite often. He looked at his mates, guilt all over his face, "I'm sure she didn't tell him that in a bad way. More like you are always little and they want that, isn't that exciting, kind of way."

He leaned down to hide his face in Yoongi's chest, the guilt eating him up. Help, he whispered. Yoongi wrapped his arms around him tighter, "Carson, yes you are right we did want a little that stayed little but now, that we know you, we don't care if you are big or little."

That perked him up a bit, "really? Carson could be a big boy and you'd still love Carson?"

"Of course Pearl, we love Carson, regardless of age. If you want to be big, be big, you want to be little, be little, you want to be both, do that. As long as you are happy, we are happy." He squatted down and pinched his cheek, "would you still want nice bites and milkies, let us finger you, maybe bounce sometimes?"

Carson nodded his head quickly, his hands clapping together happily, "yes yes, Carson loves all of those."

"You can be whatever you want Pearl. And thank you for still wanting all of that with us regardless."

"I can be a vampire like Dracula?" He was so excited, like his entire body was practically vibrating with it.

"Uhhh, sweets. Vampires aren't real." Great Tae, now you are lying to the poor thing.

Carson rolled his eyes, "fine, I guess no more bites then since vampires aren't real." He got up and grabbed the plate from the side table and walked out leaving the four vampires more than a little stunned. 

Hobi, Jin, and Joon crashed in like a minute later, "did we hear that right? Does our little Carson know what we are?" Hobi was in a panic and if the rest of them weren't panicking as well it would be funny. But right now, no one is laughing.

"It makes sense really if you think about it."

"Oh yeah Joon," Jin scoffed, "please enlighten us."

Joon rolled his eyes and pushed Jin into the room more, "he's obsessed with horror, Dracula is like his favorite thing ever. We bite him, he's probably put two and two together after being with us for so long."

"He never complained about me biting him, I never had to use my powers on him. I just nuzzled his neck a bit and he tilted it to give me better access. I bit him and drank for a bit and that was it. He never questioned it, he just mumbled nice bite and that was that."

Everyone laughed at Jimin's scrunched-up face, "you just happened to pick the one little that stayed little and happened to really like vampires? Like what kind of cosmic amazing luck is that?"

"Like I know Tae, maybe I saved an angel in my last life."

"Sure makes up for the fact that you are a demon in this one."

"I am not a demon," Jimin growled, "I'm a soulless bloodsucker thank you very much," he snarked.

"Baby, you've been on my cock for the better part of 6 hours now. Anytime I try to pull out you whine and cry to make me stay then you make me fuck you again. If that's not demon behavior then I have no idea what is."

Jimin grinned, "now that you mentioned it, it's been like an hour since you filled me up." His hips started to bounce as he threw his head back.

"Are we staying for the show?"

Tae looked at Hobi, "if we do, Imma need you to fuck me."

"We can't all stay, at least one of us has to be available for Carson."

Jk grinned as he walked towards Jin, "sounds like a great plan Joon, you are on Carson duty and I'm on fuck Jin silly duty."

"More like me fuck you," Jin murmured back as he threw Jk over his shoulder and carried him out of the room.

"Come on Tae, my cock misses your mouth. Let's head to your room."

"Sure, Joon doesn't want to get off. He'll go clean up the kitchen and babysit while everyone else fucks."

"Thanks Joon," Jimin moaned as he was pinching his nipples.

"Carson needs a nap here soon, nice bite and some milkies. Then you'll get cuddles too, maybe even stretch him more if you want."

Joon ran over and kissed Yoongi since Jimin was too far gone in his moans to focus, "such a genius."

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