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Jimin was sitting in the chair across from Sarah, Tae was pacing behind him. "So you are telling me that you didn't notice all the marks all over his body?"

Sarah shook her head, "Carson never let me see him without being clothed. He did before we came here, but after that he refused."

"And you didn't find that, strange?" Jimin had one leg across his other knee, his hand holding onto his ankle while the other was in a fist holding his head up. His face was blank, he was trying his hardest to control his anger.

"No not really, he came here the day after his 18th birthday. He wasn't fairing well and they thought that it would be better if I came. His attitude got better once I was here so they chalked it up to him missing me and that was it. I assumed that he was shy about his body, he had an interest in boys and I'm obviously not a man."

Jimin thought about it, it made sense what she was saying. Doesn't mean he's happy about it. "Can you tell us about his previous caretakers? Two in particular, one he called Master and another he called Sir."

She sighed, "due to our contract policies for the safety of all people involved I cannot divulge that information. I'm truly sorry about that, I am."

They could force her to do it, it would be so easy. "If that isn't the most PC answer I've ever heard." Tae scoffed.

Sarah stood up, dropping a file on the table "I have to run to the bathroom, that coffee this morning kicked in and I'm afraid that I will be gone for a while. It would be a shame if I couldn't trust you guys to not look at anything and just leave." She gave them a pointed look and then left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Tae took about two seconds before he pounced onto the file that she dropped, "it's Carson's," he mumbled.

"I assumed, yes. And can you figure out who the Master and Sir are?"

His head nodded a bit as he was reading through it, "got it, what are we going to do with it then?"

"That will be up to all of us. I started this whole thing on my own, but from this way forward we decide together." He stood up, "but we don't have to be home for a bit. How about we have some fun first?"

Tae's eyes went wide, "really? You actually want to?"

"I do, ever since I started drinking Carson's blood, it's like my life was given back to me. I want to do things with my mates again. It's been far too long since any of us have had pleasures of the flesh don't you think?" Jimin practically purred as he ran his finger down Tae's torso to grab his belt.

The younger gulped a bit and then grinned, "it has been, it's been far too long since I had you screaming my name while I fucked you."

Jimin kept his grip on Tae's belt as he dragged him out of the little house. He roughly threw him into the passenger seat before getting into the driver's seat and peeling out of the parking lot. Before Tae could even whine, "don't worry you are going to fuck me, we just need some lube. While I don't mind the no prep burn, I do not like the dry burn."

Tae was giddy, he was already rock-hard inside his pants. He can't even remember the last time he got his dick wet. They never had the urge to do it or much of anything honestly. They were just wasting away their immortal lives. He didn't even notice that they had pulled into a store before he heard the door slam and saw Jimin running inside. He was back in minutes grinning like a madman. 

"Let's go park somewhere, if I don't get your cock in me soon I might just die."

He reached over and tugged the hair at the back of Jimin's neck, "don't worry baby, I'll split you in two just how you like."

Jimin grinned and again pulled out of the parking lot like a madman. He drove for about twenty minutes to where he could park and they wouldn't be disturbed. He didn't say a word to Tae as he crawled into the backseat and started removing his clothes in haste. "Are you going to stare or are you going to fuck me?"

Tae chuckled as he copied Jimin, his clothes came off and he grabbed the lube before pumping his cock a few times. "Do you want it from behind, or do you want to bounce on my cock like a yo-yo?"

"Oh, both? I'll ride you until I cum and then you can fuck me dumb into the backseat."

"Baby, sweeter words have never come out of your mouth." He grabbed the smaller man and lifted him up to where he was hovering over his cock, "ready?" Once Jimin nodded his head Tae slammed him down. They are vampires they can handle pain and they heal so this was nothing for Jimin. He set a fast pace, doing most of the work for Jimin.

His fingers were digging into Jimin's hips hard enough that he was for sure leaving bruises. It had been so long since he heard Jimin's sweet whimpers and cries of pleasure. He missed this, the feeling of connecting with another person, a person he's loved for longer than he can even remember. "I'm close," Jimin whined as his nails dug into Tae's shoulders, causing him to hiss a bit.

So Tae started fucking up into Jimin to match the pace and get him there faster. Jimin cried out, his head was thrown back and his beautiful neck was on display, with a cry, Jimin came all over them. 

He quickly wiped the cum up and tossed Jimin onto his front, "ready for this baby? Gonna fuck you so hard you don't remember your name."

Jimin whimpered as he shook his ass back and forth a bit, "please," he whimpered as Tae looked at his gaping hole just begging to be filled again.

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