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"Does my puppy want to play?" Hobi asked Tae as soon as they got into Tae's room. 

Tae's eyes went wide, his boxy grin taking over his face. "Can we really? It's been so long since we played."

"It has," Hobi mused. "I even bought some gifts for you if you want to try them. Stuff they didn't have the last time we played. Would you like me to go get them?"

"Please Hobi, I want to play so so badly."

"Okay pup, let me go get everything and you get naked. Can you put your collar on for me?"

Tae nodded his head before bouncing over to his nightstand, he was already ripping off his clothes and tossing them around the room on his way. Hobi chuckled before leaving to go get the ears and tail plug for his little pup. As well as a rope so they could play fetch for a bit. When he got back to Tae's room with the items he could see that Tae was so close to slipping already.

His tongue was already out of his mouth, his eyes starting to glaze over. "I need you to focus pup, can you do that."

Tae whined, "it's hard when you call me pup. You know that."

"Sorry, but you are back now so it's okay. Look what I got you." He showed him the ears and plug first and the look on Tae's face was worth the 4 hours he spent scouring the internet looking for the perfect ones. He went with ones that were modeled after a husky since Tae and huskies resemble each other. They are both loud, dramatic and whiny with endless amounts of energy.

"Hobi I don't even know what to say. But I love them, thank you. Put them on me please."

Normally he'd scold the pup for demanding things, but he'll let it slide this time since this is an exciting gift. So he placed the ears in his fluffy hair, their bright white fur sticking out nicely between his dark locks. "Turn around pup so I can put your tail in."

Tae dropped down onto his knees, falling forward to be on all fours. He lubed the plug up and pushed it in slowly. Tae's entire body relaxed, as he let out happy sounds. He turned around nosing Hobi's hand, his tongue darting out and licking at his fingers.

"Aww does my pup want to play?"

The pup looked up at his owner, yipping excitedly. Hobi held the toy in the air, waving it back and forth as Tae's eyes followed it sharply. He tossed it across the room as he watched his pup turn to chase after it, bringing it back and dropping it in Hobi's lap from his mouth. His tongue back out as his body thrummed with excitement. They played like this for about 30 minutes before Tae started to get tired.

Hobi ran his fingers through Tae's hair, mindful of the headband keeping his ears in place. "Pup is tired already? Well what does my puppy want to do now? He's been such a good boy that his owner will give him anything."

Tae whined before surging forward to nuzzle into Hobi's crotch. "Oh does my pup want a treat already?" With another whine from his puppy, Hobi did as was requested. He got up removing his clothes so Tae could get to where he wanted. Once he was undressed he sat back down on the bed, his back against the headboard. He patted the spot between his legs, "up pup."

The pup hopped onto the bed and crawled in between Hobi's legs, his tongue was already out as he started to lick Hobi's head. Normally Tae is great at taking cock in his mouth, when he's in pup space, it's really wet, kinda sloppy, completely messy, a bit too much, teeth, but it still gets the job done since it makes the younger so happy.

"That's it pup, does it taste good?" Tae whined as he nuzzled into Hobi's cock more, it rubbed all over his face as he whimpered in happiness. He just let Tae do his thing as he reached down and pet the pup. "Want me to fuck you pup? Or do you just want this?"

Tae whined more, starting to get distressed. Hobi reached out and fisted Tae's collar, needing to ground the pup. "Look at me pup," he told him in a stern voice to ensure the younger listened. Tae's eyes were already filling with tears as he looked at his owner. He leaned down and kissed his lips softly. "I love you pup and I'm happy if you are happy. I'd love to pull your plug out and bring you pleasure. But if you don't want me then that's fine too."

He could tell that the pup was thinking about what he wanted and he was willing to take as long as it took. Finally, Tae hummed a bit before turning around and shoving his ass in the air and his face into the mattress. "Okay pup, I'll make you feel good okay?"

A soft yip left Tae's lips and it made the older chuckle. He pulled the tail, tugging on the base making his pup moan in his deep voice. Hobi kept that up until the pup started panting and thrusting his hips back towards the older. With one last sharp tug, the plug popped out and Hobi slid in slowly. There was no rush, no need to hurry. He just wanted to make his pup feel good and he could do that with slow, but deep thrusts.

He angled the younger's hips so he could slide against his prostate with every in and out of his cock. Tae's hands were clenching the sheets tightly as he whimpered and whined the entire time. "Is pup's owner making him feel good?" Tae wiggled his hips meeting every one of Hobi's thrusts. "I want my pup to cum, can he be a good boy for me and do that?"

Tae started to move faster this hand reaching for something. When his whining got louder Hobi reached around and fisted the younger's cock, "is this what my pup wanted?"

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