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Jk laid down with Carson on his chest, he'd sleep for at least another hour, so Jk didn't have anything to fret about until then. Would Carson be upset about the plug they put in him? He said he didn't like being empty, but still they didn't exactly ask either and consent is important, even more since so much of it was taken from Carson by others. Shit, now he's going to fret about that for the next hour until Carson wakes up.

"I can hear you stressing from here, what's going on?"

He looked up at the older vampire in the doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest and his perpetually grumpy scowl all over his face. "Shut up Yoongi."

"Why are you stressing? This was your plan."

"It's not that, last night after I made Carson cum and he fell asleep Joon and I did something."

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed, confusion covering his face. "You didn't fuck him did you?"

"You know I didn't," the youngest growled. "But I did in a way violate him without his permission."

"Oh the golden child finally screwed up. Let's hear it then."

Jk sighed as his large hand covered his eyes and rubbed at his temples. "He was complaining about me removing my fingers because he didn't want to feel empty, so we put a starter plug in him."

Yoongi barked out a laugh, causing Carson to whine and shuffle around on top of Jk, basically rubbing himself all over Jk's crotch. "Well while it would have been nice to ask him, I don't think he'll mind since he didn't like the feeling of not having something in there. When he wakes up, talk to him. Yes, he has the mindset of a four-year-old, but I've seen the smart man behind his eyes. He picks up on things, he knows things."

"You are right, there's no need to panic before he even tells me if he's upset or not. It's not like my panic is going to change the outcome, I'm either in trouble or I'm not."

"There you go," Yoongi grins, "that's the spirit. Now I better go, it sounds like Jin is two seconds away from murdering Joon again."

"Probably broke something," Jk scoffed.

Yoongi nodded his head, "he's banned from basically every room in the house, like the poor guy is only allowed in the living room and his own room. Jin banned him from my room last week when he spilled coffee on my piano. I wasn't even upset, but Jin practically had steam coming out of his ears he was so mad."

"Sounds like him, he goes from 0-100 real quick." And with that Yoongi was off to save poor Joon. Jk wrapped his arms around Carson a bit tighter, "please don't hate me when you wake up," he whispered into the little's ear.

About an hour later Carson started to stir, his t-shirt riding up his body. Jk didn't bother putting underwear on him and he only put the shirt on him since he was taking him out to the living room earlier. Not that Carson would have minded being naked, if he had it his way he'd be naked 24/7. He was perfectly comfortable walking around in nothing but his birthday suit but he wears a shirt and boxers since Sarah told him it's not nice to wave his willy in people's faces. Jimin laughed for a full hour when Carson told them that one.

Carson wiggled, grounding down on Jk making their cocks rub together. If he wasn't careful they'd both get hard and really quickly. "Pearl, you awake?" He asked while biting back the moan that was threatening to leave his lips.

"Kookie," Carson groaned, pushing his ass into the air, "butt, full," he was questioning. Jk could hear the confusion in his voice and it made him want to coo at the little.

"Yeah about that, so last night do you remember not wanting me to take my fingers out?" Carson lifted his head and nodded once, "well I thought you might like it if we put a plug in and it would help you feel full. Do you like it, does it feel okay?"

Carson bit his lip as he wiggled a bit more, it must have felt good because soon he was moaning softly. "Carson keep it?"

"Do you want to keep it?" He blushed bright red as he hid his face in Jk's chest whining in embarrassment. "Then of course you can. It's yours Pearl, your plug. Are you mad that I put it in without asking?"

"No, Carson don't like hurts. This feels nice." He sat up grinding down on Jk's lap, "Carson likes this, feels nice."

That made Jk smile, "well I was wondering if I could make you feel good with my fingers again. I'd like for us to start doing it a few times a day, get you used to being stretched and see if we can keep you awake after you orgasm."

"Then Carson gets special sticker and plug?"

"Yes, then you'll get your plug and special sticker."

"Then yes please, Carson likes feeling good."

Jk chuckled a bit, "well we like to make you feel good too Pearl." So Jk started out with soft kisses, wanting to make Carson get a little worked up before he started. It didn't take long, the younger was always so eager. "Gonna pull the plug out now, okay?" Carson nodded quickly before attacking Jk's lips again, leaving soft bites in between his tongue moving around the older's mouth. 

The vampire grabbed the lube and slicked his fingers up while using the other hand to push and pull the plug a bit, just teasing the younger. "Kookie," he whined.

"Okay okay," he chuckled finally pulling the plug out and slipping two fingers inside him. "I want to show you something, something that is going to feel really good. Can I do that?"

Carson was already rocking back and forth on Jk's long fingers, a bit too lost in his head to answer. It took Jk gripping his hips to make him stop. "May I?" Once Carson nodded Jk twisted his wrist and pressed right against Carson's prostate. The little cried out a bunch of nonsense and came all over himself.

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