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It took a week of the media bashing and vilifying Chad Matthews the pedophile before he cracked. He was under investigation and he took off running, he didn't go far, just the town over in a cheap hotel. But Joon was stalking him nonetheless he wanted to make sure that he didn't do anything dumb like actually try and run before the trial was over and he was carted off to jail.

Once that was under wraps, they started working on Brett Hamilton. Joon was going to enjoy his little coming out. He wasn't married and didn't have any kids so there was no one to warn, he also owned his own law firm, so really there wasn't anything that would cause public outrage unless they did something drastic. He didn't want to do the same thing to Master that he did to Sir.

After a bit, he decided on using Brett against himself. You see Brett liked to advertise his law firm on benches downtown and on the side of the buses that drive through. So why not let the town know just what a douchebag he is, the same way? Joon ordered enough to cover all of his current advertisements. 'You trust this man to get you custody of your kids when he rapes them?' Sweet simple and to the point.

Then he sat back and waited for the lawyer's life to crumble. It didn't take long, by the second day it was all over the news that the shareholders were calling for his head basically. He was being kicked out of his own firm and shunned by everyone. Joon showed no proof of his claims, but that didn't matter until Brett started fighting back. So off the emails went to the local news station and newspapers. After that, there was nothing Brett could do. 

Joon clapped his hands and walked off to find Yoongi and Jimin so he could tell them the good news. They were in the backyard arguing over the pool chemical levels, "what's the deal, why are you yelling at each other?"

Yoongi sighed, "he thinks that we don't need chlorine in the pool. It's not safe apparently."

"It's not," Jimin stressed. "It can hurt him if he ingests too much."

"Jimin, any water can hurt you if you ingest it too much. It's called drowning you idiot."

"Well excuse me for caring about our little human. Fine do whatever you want, when it dries out his skin, fucks up his hair and burns his eyes, don't come crying to me." Then he stormed off much to Yoongi's amusement.

Joon glared at Yoongi a bit, "why do you do that to him? Now he's going to make all of our lives hell until you apologize."

"True, but the hate fuck I'll get before the makeup sex makes it worth it."

The younger just shook his head, those two have always been strange in their ways of showing each other love. "Why don't you just do salt water? It's not as abrasive as chlorine, or we can do a natural pool where the plant life takes care of the filtration."

"Why do you know all this shit? Like we've never used this pool before and suddenly you are an expert?"

Joon shrugged his shoulder, "we don't sleep, that gives me a lot of time on my hands, plus we just recently started sleeping together again so I read. You know this."

"Fine, I'll talk to Jimin about a natural pool. It'll appease him and give you plants to look after."

"I actually came out here to tell you guys that my part of the plan is done, so now it's on you two for torture. Chad is hiding in a hotel, I'll text you the address. So far Brett is still in his home, but if that changes I'll let you know."

Yoongi grinned before heading after Jimin, this is going to be the greatest night of his life. He went straight to Jimin's room, before he could even get into the room all the way, Jimin had pushed him up against the wall, "when was the last time you fed?"

"Last night."

"On Carson?"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes a bit then smirked. "Aww does my baby want to feed from me?" Jimin growled, grabbing Yoongi by the hair and baring his neck as he bit down. He hissed a bit, Jimin was not going easy on him at all, but that's fine. This wouldn't be the first or the last time that Jimin fed from him. When they first found each other, Jimin honestly preferred to feed from Yoongi vs humans. But when blood bags became the norm, they stopped. "That's it, take as much as you need baby."

Jimin growled before sucking harder, his one hand still holding onto Yoongi's hair tightly and the other gripping onto his waist as he rocked his body into Yoongi's. He pulled back, panting, blood covered his lips and chin from his messy feeding. "I hate you," he growled before crashing his lips into Yoongi's.

Their kiss was like fire, both battling to come out the winner. And frankly, Yoongi loved it, loved when Jimin lost control and gave into his baser instincts. "What do you need from me baby? What do you want?"

"Fuck," he yelled, "I want to fuck you so hard that you can't walk for days, but I also want you to fuck me so hard into the mattress that I forget my own name. I want to be fucked dumb to where the only thing I think about is your cock and how it's rearranging my insides, molding me to where nothing else will please me but you."

Yoongi groaned, that's exactly what he wanted too. "Well, which one do you want more? Do you want to fuck me or do you want me to fuck you?" Yoongi picked Jimin up, the younger wrapping his legs around Yoongi's small waist. "I'm down with either baby, just want to make you happy."

Jimin was bouncing up and down, rubbing their dicks together and moaning. He was already getting dumb and didn't even have Yoongi's cock in him yet. "Fuck me." 

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