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Jin winched at a particularly loud scream coming from the basement, "how long is Tae keeping Carson away?"

Joon blew out his breath a bit, "normally when I take him we stay for a couple of hours so they should be heading home soon."

"Kook can you call Tae and tell him to take Carson to the zoo until it closes? It's summer so it stays open late. Make sure to remind him to feed Carson."

Jk rolled his eyes a bit, "of course he'll feed him. Wait, why the zoo?"

Jin rolled his eyes back at the youngest, "first off Carson loves animals so he'll love the zoo and I doubt anyone has taken him. Second, you might not remember it but the only reason you are alive is because Tae wanted to go see exotic animals. So who else would take him? You want to chase Carson around that massive ass zoo while he screams about animals?"

"I mean I wouldn't mind, I prefer taking him to the park."

"And Joon prefers taking him to museums, we all have our things, and this way Carson gets to experience everything." He stood up and ruffled Kook's hair before heading to the basement, "yah can you two stop fucking for a second?"

Yoongi chuckled and Jimin whined, "what's up?"

There was no way he was going in there and seeing what those two freaks get up to. "Tae is taking Carson to the zoo, you guys have until 9 to let those humans scream their heads off, and then you gotta shut them up."

"Got it, don't worry." Jin heard, he tried to get away before he heard anything else, but he so didn't succeed, "baby if I fill you up anymore you are going to explode."

Jimin whined again, "don't care, want you to breed me."

Jin gagged, he loved both of them, all of them, he really did. But some of his boyfriends were fucking freaks. Then he smirked to himself, he felt bad for Joon and Jk because they were the ones that he went to when he was feeling particularly freaky himself. 

Tae smiled when he got off the phone with Kook, "hey sweets, want to go to the zoo with me?"

Carson looked up, his eyes blinking slowly. "The zoo?"

"It's where they keep all the animals, like tigers and bears, they even have elephants."

"Kitties? They have big kitties?"

"They do sweets, do you want to go see them?"

Carson jumped up and started clapping, "please please." He froze as his stomach let out a loud growl, "sorry Carson hungry."

"Okay sweets, let's get you some food then we'll do see the kitties." Tae shuffled the little out of the cafe after several kisses to Drac and a promise that he'd be back next week to see him. Tae couldn't help but coo at how adorable Carson was. The sweetest little in the world. They went to another cafe so he could feed his sweets actual food vs just the pastries they sell at the Cat Cafe. 

Carson was sitting in the booth with his legs swinging back and forth as he hums away waiting for their food to get there. He couldn't decide on if he wanted chicken nuggets or a burger. So Tae ordered both for him, when the food got there Carson's eyes went wide, "too much food," he mumbled.

"Don't fret, just eat what you can."

"Tae Tae not hungry?"

The vampire chuckled a bit, "no Tae Tae isn't hungry. Don't worry about me sweets."

"Cuz have nice bite earlier so Tae Tae not hungry?"

Taehyung looked at the little in front of him, he knows, or he suspects that is. "That's right sweets."

"But Tae Tae not a bat, no fly?"

He laughed remembering what Yoongi and Jin had told them about Dracula. "No sweets, I can't turn into a bat or fly."

"Jiminie, Yoonie, Jinnie, Kookie, Hobi, Joonie? Them no either?"

"None of us can sweets. Is that okay?"

Carson deflated a bit in the booth, a small pout on his lips. "Yeah, Carson sad though."

"Why are you sad?" He wouldn't look at the vampire, suddenly his french fries were the most interesting thing in the world. Tae reached across the table and squeezed Carson's hand gently. "Remember you can always talk to me sweets. Tae Tae promised to always listen and I've kept that promise right?" Carson sighed and nodded his head a bit. "Then can you tell me why you are sad?"

"Carson sad because Carson not vampire, so Carson die."

"Do you want to be a vampire sweets?" The little scrunched up his face, almost like he was disgusted and it made Tae chuckle. "Hey now, you are making it seem like you don't like us. We aren't so bad are we?"

"Not that," Carson sighed. "Carson no want to do nice bites."

Tae barked out a laugh, "let me get this straight, you don't want to be a vampire because you don't want to bite people? You bite us all the time, in fact, you bit me yesterday because I took too long to get your game started."

"Not bites, nice bite. Like milk and milkies, not the same."

What is the difference between nice bites and Carson biting them? He literally bites at least one of them daily, he never draws blood just bites them hard enough to get their attention. He never draws, "is it because of the blood sweets?"

That excited Carson, he loves when one of them figures out what he means. "Yes yes. Carson no wants nice bites, but Carson wants to keep you guys forever."

He reached across the booth pulling Carson so he'd come to his side and sit with him. The little took it even further and crawled into his lap before settling down and getting comfortable. "We want to keep you forever too sweets."

"But Carson no wants nice bites."

"I know," he sighed as he smoothed his hand over his hair. "Don't worry about it now. Here let's finish your food and then we'll go see the big kitties."

Carson hurried up, he really wanted to see the big kitties. As soon as he ate as much as he could he jumped up and dragged Tae towards the car yelling at him to hurry up before they miss them.

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