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"Pumpkin, I'm going to turn the game off now since you aren't really even playing."

Carson shifted a bit, settling into Joon more before he yawned, "Joonie, nice bite please, Carson sleepy."

"Okay, let's get you up and cleaned up then we can."

"No," he yelled as he shot up, his hands going under Joon's thighs doing his best to trap them together. "Stay," he whined.

Carson wants to take a nap with Joon still inside him and he also wants to be bitten, this is going to be so fucking hard. But he'll do anything to make his little pumpkin happy. "Okay, can we nap on the couch?"

The little nodded his head before tilting it to offer his neck to Joon. He was hungry, it had been a few days since he ate since he was so busy destroying the lives of Master and Sir, so he wasn't going to turn it away. He latched on and it caused Carson to start moving, basically fucking himself on Joon. He reached out to hold him still, gripping the little's hips so he'd stop moving. 

If they weren't careful, Joon was going to fuck him right here on the couch and he wasn't sure if Carson is actually ready for that or if the bite is making him want that. So he did the only other thing he could think of, he reached over to Carson's cock and fisted it. He knew it wouldn't take much to get him to cum, based on the number of moans and whimpers the little was giving. When he came, his back arched and he cried out Joon's name before crashing back down.

Joon almost came, feeling Carson squeezing him like that was too much. He laid them down on their sides after taking Carson's shirt off and cleaning his chest up with it. "Why is he naked and on your cock? I thought we agreed to wait for when he was ready before we slept with him."

He was avoiding eye contact with Jin, anything to not be the recipient of his wrath, "I cleaned the kitchen and didn't break anything."

Jin snorted, "that's a damn lie. You broke a bowl and two cups and I'm fairly sure you lost a spoon as well."

Joon groaned, "how do you do that?"

"It's my kitchen, now quit avoiding the question."

"He heard Tae talking about how he'd probably like cockwarming so he asked if he could while we played video games. When he asked for a nice bite he started fucking himself on me so I played with him until he came to stop him. Fuck it was hard not to cum feeling him squeeze me like that."

Jin was grinning, grinning like he's about to fuck up someone's world. "Oh this is perfect, Jk needs to be punished and his wrist is so tired from fingering himself."

"What are you planning?"

"While Yoongi and Jimin start out their torture, I'm planning a bit of my own. But I'll need your asses and cocks to keep Kook's wrist worn out until Carson wakes up."

Joon's eyes went wide, "if Kook plays with my ass then I'm going to cum inside Carson. Do we want that?"

"Ugh, not without asking him. Fine you can watch and he can play with Hobi and Tae if they are willing."

The younger just laid there holding the little while he snoozed away, it was funny watching Jin plot. He looks like an angel, literally, he's one of the prettiest men in the world, but he's pure evil when he wants to be. "Ah finally, I was wondering how long you were going to be in pup space."

Tae blushed and hid his face in Hobi's neck as he whined, "be nice Jin, it's been a long time since he was in it, and if you keep saying the p-word he's going to slip again."

"Yes yes, very sorry. I need Kook to finger you guys repeatedly until Carson wakes up, or he can give you hand jobs. I just need his wrist to be constantly working."

Both Tae and Hobi's mouths dropped open, "what?"

"I don't want to explain everything, he's being punished for breaking a rule. But this is just the precursor to the actual punishment."

"Jesus if that's the precursor, what's the actual punishment?"

Jin grinned like an actual madman, "well since someone," he mused with a pointed look at Tae, "told Carson about cockwarming he asked Joon to do it. When Carson came Joon said it was hard to not cum. So Kook is going to cockwarm Carson and play with him until Carson can't cum anymore. If Kook can last the entire time without cumming then his punishment will be over."

"Okay, but why does he need his wrist to hurt?"

"He was already whining about it hurting from having to prep himself, now I want it to keep hurting. It'll probably help him not cum, but it will also be difficult to please Carson that much with a sore wrist. Either way, it's a win-win for me because he's going to struggle no matter what and we all know how much I enjoy my babies struggling."

Hobi chuckled, "you are so mean! But I love it," he sauntered over towards Jin and pulled him down for a kiss, "next time it's my turn to play."

"Only if your puppy can watch?"

Tae whined as he shuffled over and Hobi moaned out a please. This is what Jin loves, the power to make his babies kneel anytime he wants. It's heady and slightly sadistic, but it's everything and he's forever thankful that Carson gave this back to him. "Hopefully Carson agrees with this, because if he doesn't I'll have to think of something else. But really this is the step in the right direction to sleeping with our little baby and I know that's something we all want eventually."

"It took everything in me earlier to stop him from bouncing on me, fuck it felt too good."

"I'm surprised you did honestly, I'm not sure I would have been able to stop."

Hobi snorted, "yeah right, with your self-control Jin? I doubt you would have slipped up at all."

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