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"So we are going to go get them tonight?"

Jimin yawned, not actually tired, just sore and snuggly. "Yeah, then we'll play with them for a few days and then hand them over to Tae and Hobi for whatever they have planned."

"Alright, well then we should probably get the basement ready."

The younger started to whine but Yoongi wasn't having it, "you've had my dick all day, literally. If you want to torture those fools then we need to get this started. You can be fucked again once we have them secured, if that's what you want?"


Yoongi chuckled, "now I remember why we needed more boyfriends. You are insatiable."

"Are you complaining about getting to fuck this amazing ass? Because I have six other men I can go to."

"No, I'm not baby. Just saying I'm getting old." He sat up, smacking Jimin's ass, "come on, let's go get cleaned up and then go fetch us some toys to play with."

Jimin pouted, "I know you mean those two humans, but I want to get more toys for us as well."

A small kiss to the younger's nose, "we can do that once we pass them to Tae and Hobi."

He doesn't want to get up, he wants to stay in Yoongi's arms and be stuffed full forever. But he knows that they need to get cleaned up and based on how exhausted Yoongi looks he needs to feed too. Jimin has fed off of him way too many times over the past 24 hours. It's their dirty little secret, he's sure that the others suspect but they've never said anything about it. "Okay, let's get cleaned up and get you fed. You look exhausted."

"Well someone has worked me over continuously, what did you expect?"

Jimin frowned, "I know I should apologize, but I'm not even remotely sorry."

"I know," Yoongi chuckled before lifting Jimin up and taking him to the shower. Jimin was staring at him and the older sighed before tilting his head, "go ahead, I know you are hungry."

"You have to be too," Jimin whispered.

"I'm older and have more discipline, I'll be fine. I'll grab some blood bags before we leave if Carson is busy. Feed Jimin, no matter what, I'll always be able to feed and provide for my baby. You know this."

Jimin did, ever since Yoongi saved him from hunters all those years ago he's always taken care of him. Nursed him back to health. That's how Jimin started feeding on him, it was too risky to bring a human back to Jimin and Jimin was too weak to go to the human. So Yoongi hunted and fed until he was practically bursting and then he fed Jimin. It was taboo, unheard of in the vampire community, something seen as dirty. But they didn't care, it saved Jimin's life and bonded them. 

They found the others over the next years, some were already together like Tae and Hobi. Jimin was a tad shocked to see this grown man crawling on the ground barking and growling at Jimin any time he got close to his owner. But once he was out of pup space he was the sweetest guy ever and Jimin was sure they were soulmates. Tae was only ever a pup with Hobi, preferring to keep that just between them. And Jimin never judged, he understood.

Next came Jin and Joon, Jin was a chaotic mess and Joon was barely keeping them alive. Jin wanted to murder every single human that dared to insult either of them and it was taking everything in Joon to keep Jin in line. The younger had told them stories about Jin losing control and murdering entire villages in his rage. They spent so long on the run, that they were thankful to find some vampires that didn't want to murder them for being in their territory.

Jungkook came last, fitting since he was the baby. Kook was seconds away from dying, he had been staked, drained of most of his blood, and left for the sun to kill. They can walk in the sun now, and it no longer bothers them, but when they were freshly turned vampires, the sun could and would kill them. 

Jin killed all the humans, and ordered Hobi to carry Jungkook away while he made the rest of them drag the bodies back so they would have enough blood for Jk to heal. They swore after that to never go to Africa again, but they had heard stories of all the animals and Tae really wanted to see them. They tried talking him out of it, saying that they couldn't even see them in the sun so it was pointless. 

But Tae begged and cried for weeks before they finally caved. They boarded a ship and used their powers to not make anyone suspicious when crew members suddenly went missing. And they made it to Africa, only to find a baby vampire seconds away from death on their first day there. Now if Tae wants to see animals, they send him to the fucking zoo.

Jimin was so thankful that even after a thousand years Yoongi still lets him feed from him. They stopped for a very long time, losing themselves to nothingness. But finally, they are getting back to what they used to be. He had his legs wrapped around Yoongi's waist, his arms under Yoongi's arms to squeeze his back. He was drinking more than he needed, but he felt like he had to make up for all the time they missed.

Yoongi shuttered under him, his arms squeezing Jimin tighter like he was afraid he was going to slip away. "I love you," he whispered so sweetly next to Jimin's ear.

"And I love you," he nuzzled into Yoongi's neck a bit before leaning back and tilting his head, "you can feed from me too you know."

One of Yoongi's hands came up to run his fingers along the line of Jimin's neck. "I know baby, but it's my job to provide for you not the other way around."

Jimin rolled his eyes before he snorted loudly, "I'm not some helpless damsel in distress."

"I know, but I enjoy when you feed from me as much as you enjoy doing it."

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