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Carson ate, and if he found it weird that seven men were sitting at the table watching him eat but not eating themselves, he didn't say anything. He just quietly sat down and ate his food. When Hobi handed him a cup of milk he sighed a bit and nodded his head. When he was done, "Carson do chores now?"

"Chores?" Joon asked.

The little nodded his head a bit, "caretakers make Carson do chores." 

The seven of them looked at each other, "hold on," Jimin mumbled as he got up to dig some papers out of his bag. "Okay so apparently they need structure and routine. Carson was required to do chores in all his homes, also at the little house, he had some as well since he had been in the system the longest."

"I don't want him to do chores though, we don't get tired. He does, I want to take care of him," Tae pouted.

Jimin looked at Carson, "your chore will be to keep your room clean and if you make a mess anywhere you will clean that up. Does that sound good to you?" 

Carson hummed, "Carson's rules?"

Again confusion covered their faces as Jimin scrambled through the papers to see what was going on. "Ahh, okay. Yes, we can make rules. It says here that littles like to decorate their rule sheet with crayons and stickers etc. Would you like to do that?"

"No," that was all he said. Effectively shutting down that line of direction.

"Okay," Jimin pulled out a pen and a blank sheet of paper. 

Carson's rules!

#1 Carson must listen to his caretakers

#2 Carson must ask if he wants nice bites

#3 Carson must ask if he needs happy fun time

Jimin blushed on that one, but they had discussed it and were all in agreement that if Carson wanted it they wouldn't deny it.

#4 Carson will keep his room clean as well as any messes he makes

#5 Carson will ask if he needs anything, no matter what time it is.

Hobi turned to Carson, "do those work for you?"

One quick nod, "Punishments? Please no spider closet. Carson bad boy, but Carson scared of spiders. Dark okay, but spiders bite, it hurts."

What the fuck has his kid gone through Yoongi mumbled to himself, "we have no spiders here baby boy. I promise."

Carson's Punishments

#1 Time out on the staircase

#2 Spankings

#3 No BB

"No!" Carson yelled as he jumped up and ran a few feet away from them, "BB mine, not yours. No take BB."

Jimin knew he was going to be hysterical about that, but it was the last-case scenario. They doubted they'd ever have to actually punish him, let alone get to that point. They can subdue him so easily being what they are. "Carson, that is the last punishment if nothing else is working. We won't just take BB unless we have to. Only if you are really bad."

"But Carson bad, Master say over and over how bad Carson is. Carson go to spider closet every day, spiders bite and Carson got sleepy. Then Sir said milkies okay, but then they not okay. Sir said he was going to hurt BB, threw him in trash. Carson cried so hard that Sir had to stop him."

Jin stood up, "what the fuck has this kid been through?"

Jimin shook his head, "Sarah never told me any of this. I don't know if she even knew, she seemed to really care about him. I doubt she would have let that slide."

Joon walked over towards Carson, he kneeled before him so that Carson was taller and in the more dominant position. "How about this, if you get that bad. Which I'm sure you won't, then BB has to sit on the couch alone for 10 minutes. You can watch him, but you can't hold him until the time if up. Does that work?"

"Carson will get BB back? Just 10 minutes if Carson real bad?"

"Yes, that's correct. But Carson isn't bad, so I doubt BB will ever have to go into time out on the couch." Carson frowned but didn't argue with Joon.

Carson's Punishments

#1 Time out on the staircase

#2 Spankings

#3 No BB for 10 minutes.

"Rewards?" Carson asked softly, not looking at anyone in the eye.

"Ah," Jimin cried out. "That's the last part."

Carson's rewards

#1 desserts

#2 cuddles

"Uhh what should we put for number three?"

"Milkies," Carson whispered.

Yoongi scrunched his face up. Did they deny the kid milk or something? He just had some at dinner, why would that be a reward?

"Sure love, Milkies."

Carson's rewards

#1 desserts

#2 cuddles

#3 milkies 

Jimin clapped his hands, "there love. All done. I'll put it on the fridge okay?" Once that was done they looked at him. "What do you want to do now love?"

"Carson needs bath, but not allowed to do it alone. Carson makes too big of mess."

"I'll bathe him," Tae all but shouted as he sprung out of his chair. "Come on Carson, I can't wait for you to see the rubber duckies I bought you." Carson followed him quietly while Tae chattered on about everything. His brain-to-mouth filter has never worked a day in his life.

Tae got the bath started, "do you want bubbles?" Carson shrugged as he was removing his clothes. Tae frowned when he saw his body, he had a lot of bruises and old scars all over. "Carson who did this to you?"

The little looked down, "mean people, no one listens to Carson. Not even Sarah."

"He's been severely abused, as soon as he's asleep we have a lot to discuss." He whispered to where they could hear. He turned to look at Carson, "look," he waved towards the dozens of rubber ducks he bought. "For you."

A small hand shot out towards one that Jk snickered over calling it an emo duck. It was all black with a silver chain around its neck. "Carson likes dark."

"Oh? Well, then tomorrow I'll show you Jk's room. If you like this type of stuff you'll love his room. It's like an emo's wet dream."

"YAH!" Jk yelled from the living room, "I resent that you asshat."

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