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Hobi walked up to Chad, "you will go stand outside on the patio and wait for me. You will stay there and make no noise. Do you understand me?"

Chad nodded his head quickly before turning around and doing as Hobi demanded. "I'll go watch him just to make sure."

Hobi snorted, "Jin if you want to watch me slice him up, you can just say so."

"I want to watch you slice him up," Jin mused.

"Alright, go watch him and I'll go get my katana. I want him to watch me sharpen it before I have fun with it."

Jin cocked his head to the side a bit, his eyes narrowed, "in all of our years together, I've never seen your sword not perfectly sharpened."

"Of course not, because I'd never."

He waved his hand around in confusion, "then care to let me in on the crazy in your brain?"

"I want him to watch me do it, I want him to know what's coming. Then with the first slice, I want him to be confused because he doesn't feel anything. Because I won't cut deep enough for kill him just enough to make him bleed."

"Because it's so sharp? That's why he won't feel it?"

"Exactly, not until the adrenaline wears off that is. Then it'll crash into him all at once. He'll be in so much pain that his body will start to shut down non-essential organs until it gets to either his heart or lungs. He'll gasp for air as we watch the light drain from his eyes."

"For someone that embodies sunshine, you sure are scary when you get murderous."

Hobi smiled, not his usual sunshine smile that everyone loves, the one that looks like the cutest heart around. No, this was his serious smile, the one that makes people quake in its wake if it's directed towards them. "It's the duality, it's saved me, us in fact over these very long years. People never suspect the happy smiley one."

Jin shook, his entire body shivering at the look in Hobi's eye. "Okay, it's not me you are supposed to be scaring, it's the rapist. Go get your sword and wet stone, I'll watch the bastard."

The younger nodded before taking off to his room, normally he had his katanas on display. They proudly hung on the wall, covering most of the far one. But when they decided to bring Carson home, he put them up and hid them out of the littles reach. Even though he didn't think Carson would do something with them, he wasn't willing to take that risk.

He grabbed the emerald green one, it was his favorite. The handle was beautiful, it looked like it was made out of actual emeralds. It wasn't, it was made out of some other stone that was harder than actual emeralds. But he didn't care, it had a polished blade with Japanese characters no longer in use etched into the blade.

He pulled it out of its sheath, the sound it made always sends a chill down his spine. He spun it around, the movements well practiced even if it's been hundreds of years since he used them. He'll never forget the first time he used one. He hadn't been a vampire long a few decades at the most. He was hungry, but the sun was coming up so he decided to hide in a barn. Thinking if worse came to worse he could feed off of one of the animals in there.

What he found though, still scares him to this day and also infuriates him to no end. There in the back of the barn, in a fucking cage was a skinny boy. When he got closer, he realized that it wasn't a boy, it was a man, but he was so underfed that he didn't look his age. He was locked up like a caged animal, covered in dirt and bruises. "What's your name?"

The boy cocked his head to the side, confused at the words coming from Hobi's mouth. "Do you need help?" Again the boy said nothing. Hobi had no food, and the sun was coming up soon. But he saw an apple tree outside, he can probably make it, if he runs. So that's what he did, with the sun getting ready to rise any second, he ran towards the apple tree, grabbing as many as he could before he was burned alive. "Here, eat."

He started to shove the apples through the bars of the cage but stopped and scowled a bit, the boy was covered in his own filth. "Do you want out?" Something about that perked him up, he nodded his head quickly. "Here," he opened the cage and the boy scrambled out on all fours. and all but devoured the apples. He was completely naked, his hair matted and in desperate need of a cut.

When he was done, the boy sat back on his heels, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "You look a pup cutie." For some reason that made the boy happy, he whined a bit and leaned his head down like he wanted Hobi to pet him. He didn't want to, there's no telling what was in his hair, but he didn't want to upset him. So he ran his fingers through the greasy hair. "I hope you don't mind me hanging out here for a bit. The suns out so I'm stuck in here."

He knew that the other wouldn't answer, but he was a tad shocked when he curled up on his side and laid his head in Hobi's lap. It was later when the old man walked into the barn screaming for Taehyung that he learned just how terrible some humans could be. Tae had been keep as a pet of sorts for the humans amusement. It took years for Hobi to teach him how to be a human and not a dog. But there were times that he still slipped into that role when things became too much. It wasn't until he was turned that he'd slip for good reasons. Being a pup made him happy now, not like the horrors he used to be exposed to.

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