1k Followers Bonus Chapter 52

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A/N I know you guys wanted a new book but I wasn't going to be able to finish it on time. So here are bonus chapters and I promise new books are still on the way!! Thank you guys so so much for all of your support. 

Carson hadn't been big in about six months, while he'd given permission for sex while in little space, they really didn't like doing it unless Carson initiated it. But he was more than happy with sleepy bites and milkies. He only asked to bounce every so often when he was little, he asked more when he was big.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook whispered to Joon who was standing just outside the kitchen looking worried.

Joon turned around, "he knows I'm not allowed in the kitchen. So he yelled at me that now I couldn't get him and he hid under the sink."

"What did you do to him?"

"I told him he had to brush his teeth and clean up his toys. It's almost naptime and he had ice cream." He took a step towards the kitchen but a click of the tongue stopped him.

"I know you aren't about to step into my kitchen, now are you Joonie?"

The younger turned around quickly, guilt flashing across his face as he tried his hardest to think of any excuse that would get him out of the punishment he was bound to receive from Jin. "I was just going to get Carson. He hid from me in the kitchen so I couldn't go get him."

"Are Jungkook's legs broken?"

"No, they are not."

"Then why couldn't he go get Carson?" They heard the little snicker from inside the cabinet. He started singing Joonie's in trouble making them all smile. "Get naked and go to my room. Be waiting for me, Kook you can watch if you want to."

Jungkook grinned and hopped after the sulking Namjoon. Jin didn't really want to punish him, he just wanted to play with him and Carson gave him the perfect opportunity to do it. "Where or where is my little Munchkin at?" Jin sang as he walked around the kitchen. "Is he in here?" He gasped as he opened a cabinet. "No, not in here," he sighed. "Maybe here?" 

Jin knew right where he was, even if he wasn't so attuned to his human consort, the soft giggles coming from under the sink were a dead giveaway. Even a human would be able to hear it. He finally made his way over to the sink, "I think he's in here. I sure hope so, I miss my baby."

As soon as Jin whipped the cabinet door open, Carson grinned and screamed out "Jinnie," before he jumped into the vampire's arms. "Is Joonie in trouble?"

"No Munchkin, but Jinnie is going to play a bit with Joonie. Make him bounce a bit if that's okay?"

"Can Carson bounce too, or get milkies?" The little was so excited as he wiggled in Jin's strong arms.

"Is that what you want?" The little nodded his head, then bit his bottom lip a bit, "oh, does my Munchikin want something else, maybe something more?"

He was playing with the hair at the back of Jin's neck before he shoved his face into it and sighed. "Want to feel full, both holes, Carson sleepy."

The vampire played the logistics in his head, "okay baby, how about this? We have you get full with Joonie inside you and you lay down on him and wait for Jinnie to finish. Then when that's done, you can get sleepy milkies from me while Jungkook gets sleepy milkies from you, if you want?"

The little pulled his head back quickly, "Carson can have that?" He was bouncing, "Carson wants that, please please."

Jin carried him into the bedroom where Jungkook was sitting in the side chair, stroking himself while he looked at Joon's very naked body. The older was prepping himself for Jin like the good boy he is. "Our baby here wants something. He's going to warm Joonie's cock while I fuck his hole nice and wide for me. Then when I'm done, we'll do a little rearranging and Jungkook is going to get sleepy milkies from Carson and I'll do the same for our little as well. That way he'll be nice and full and get a good nap."

Jin got his three babies situated, he slid into Joon's prepped and slick hole and wanted to sigh. He loved fucking his babies so so much. Joon was making a little too much noise and it was hard for Carson to settle and start to slip into his happy place. He whined a bit, making a soft distressed noise. So Jin snapped his fingers at Jungkook and the younger ran over and crawled onto the bed. "Shut him up for me so our baby can rest."

Jungkook took his cock in his fist and crawled over to Joon, who readily opened his mouth for the younger. He took all of Kook's cock like a pro, which if they are being honest, he is. It didn't take long for Jin to cum, not with all three of them naked and pleasured in front of him. He came, spilling hot white ropes inside Joon. 

Once he was out and cleaned off he rotated them around to where Carson was on his back, laying on top of Joon with the elder inside him. Jin laid on his side, so he could swallow Carson's cock, the little looked at Jungkook, "eepy ites frt, p'ease?"

The youngest vampire smiled at his little so softly, "of course baby. You know I'd do anything to make you happy." Jungkook tilted Carson's neck softly and bit down. The little's eyes fluttered closed before he smiled softly at them.

"Carson no brush teef or clean," then he promptly fell asleep while Joon groaned, Jin was laughing so hard he had to stop sucking Carson's cock and Jungkook just chuckled softly between small drinks.

"He's such a little shit, I swear."

Jungkook pulled back and looked at Joon, "did you offer a sticker if he did as asked?"

"No Jungkook I didn't do the one thing that always convinces him to listen to us."

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