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Jimin walked back down to the basement with a grin on his face, "is Carson gone?" Jimin nodded his head and jumped into Yoongi's lap.

"He is, it's time to have some fun. While they are screaming can we play?"

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, "you want them to watch me fuck you?"

"I want to listen to them scream while you are fucking me, I want to see if I'm louder."

"You are devious," the older chuckled before giving him a soft kiss. "But we can do that. You get  your bottoms off, I'll get them screaming."

Jimin grinned as he flopped down on the couch next to Yoongi, squirming around to remove his pants. Once Yoongi stood up, "wait," Jimin yelled. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a needle and a glass vial. "Give them this."

Yoongi caught the bottle that was thrown at him, "okay, and what is this?"

The younger was grinning and wiggling on the couch, "jellyfish toxin, it'll make them feel like their blood is on fire."

Yoongi frowned a bit, "will it kill them?"

"No, one shot won't. It'll hurt like nothing they've ever felt, but I feel like their asses are a bit numb at this point and they abused Carson for months. They have to pay."

"They do baby, I was just making sure because Tae will murder us if we kill them before he gets the chance." But he trusted Jimin so he filled the syringe up and stabbed it a lot harder than necessary into their thighs. He crouched down in front of them, their eyes were bloodshot and their mouths were wide open but no sound was coming out. "Scream for us, let us know just how much it hurts."

And boy did they scream. Jimin giggled, "come on, I want to play Daddy."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, "Daddy? You haven't called me that in longer than I can remember."

Jimin was biting his lip as he fisted himself in lazy strokes. "I will never forget the look on your face the first time I called you that."

"Well yeah we were in the middle of the fucking crusades and running for our lives from the Catholic Church."

"What was I supposed to call you, you were dressed like a Priest."

"The correct term is Father Jimin, you know that."

He shrugged as he threw his head back and moaned, "father, daddy same thing."

"Not the same thing at all, I busted a nut in the middle of the fucking Church rectory because of that."

"And that's the day I learned about your Daddy kink."

"I'm glad that there are names to what we like, when we first met Tae and he was barking and growling at us when we got near Hobi. I was so confused. But now, it makes so much sense."

Jimin pouted a bit, "they are screaming so loud, and here I am with an empty hole begging to be filled. I mean look at all that lube just spilling out."

"Okay baby, Daddy will fill it for you." Yoongi walked over as he was pulling his cock out, and before he could even get sat down comfortably, Jimin was already on him. Pushing him down faster as he lined himself up and sat down. He gave Yoongi two seconds before he started bouncing.

"Daddy, you fill me up so good. So full, best cock."

"Yeah? You like Daddy's cock? Well Daddy loves your hole, loves how tight it is and how it's molded around me. No one takes my cock as good as you do baby."

"Hungry Daddy," the younger whined.

Yoongi tilted his head to the side, there was no way Jimin is actually hungry. He's just a greedy baby that Yoongi loves. So he'll give it to him, anything he wants. He missed this, feeding him, fucking him. Yoongi was gay in a time where being gay got you killed. So when he found Jimin dying he was instantly attracted to him. But he'd never push himself on anyone, let alone another vampire he was trying to save.

He didn't even think he'd drink from him, he was actually surprised when Jimin agreed. The reason it's so taboo for vampires is feelings get mixed when it happens. The one feeding can get attached to the one they are feeding from. Yoongi never would have done it if it wasn't life or death. But when Jimin first started feeding, it was instant for Yoongi. He was in love and never wanted Jimin to feed from a human ever again.

It took a week before Jimin admitted that he was gay and Yoongi will never forget the tears that were in his eyes. How he begged Yoongi not to hate him, how he swore he'd never do anything that would make Yoongi uncomfortable, he just wanted to stay with him. He was attached and he didn't think he could be away from the older vampire. He didn't stop crying until Yoongi kissed him.

"Jimin, I'm like you too. I was so scared to tell you, everyone that has ever found out has tried to kill me. I didn't want to lose you, I know that the bond is normally one way, but I'm just as attached as you are. Jimin I am so in love with you, have been since the moment you bit me."

They both cried in each other's arms that night and when the sun came up, they made love. Hidden behind thick curtains, their bodies became one. Jimin feed from Yoongi several more times, whispering that he never wanted to feed any other way. And they stayed that way, Jimin only ate from humans when the others were around and then when they started feeding from blood bags he just switched to those because all of their interests slowly faded away.

Yoongi missed it, he missed being the sole source of his food. He gladly ate more just to ensure that he could feed Jimin. Even now, he only took from Carson what he needed. The rest he downed those disgusting blood bags just to make sure Jimin would always have enough. They never told the others, not that they would say anything most likely. This was just something they kept between them. But with their hearing, odds are they've known for a long time.

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